Response to Motion For Sanction (Includes rebuttal of response and tear affidavit apart) provide case law on applications claimed Motion For Sanction And Contempt perjury charges on mailing, wasting court and plaintiff's time file for damages for actions taken, deception made and to curtail any furture desire of counsel to disrespect the court. provide case law on applications claimed Amended Index of Exhibits Affidavit of Cohn Transcript set out how acquired, how made, how held, how transcribed Affidavit of Factual Presentation set out attestation of knowledge and truthfulness Response to Counter Suit set out insufficiency of process, but answer anyway set out destruction of all claims provide support for all claims in press release provide case law on applications claimed Motion for Summary Judgment respond to their answer, show all evidence in use provide case law on applications claimed Brief: explain the case and how it has progressed and why summary judgment is mandatory upon preponderance of the evidence and failure on defendant's part to offer a defense provide case law on applications claimed Response to Motion to Dismiss Case In Summary Judgment Destroy all 11 reasons to dismiss the case, show case is proven, quote case law on wasting the court's time provide case law on applications claimed