Welcome to the test! Ex Genere* means FROM LIFE OR FROM BIRTH. This test is not a scientific process but it is accurate. You are welcome to take the IQ test as well. We'll provide a link to that when you are finished with this test.

There is a major difference between being born Ex Genere and becoming gay. A great misjustice is done when the reality is not considered.

Acting and being are not the same thing. Being has nothing to do with acting. Acting has nothing to do with being. Being born with the mental state (NOT a mental malady) that creates the same gender attraction does NOT mean you are gay. It means you could be gay. For a detailed explanation of that mental state read HOW TO TELL IF YOU WERE BORN GAY.

To take this test simply answer the following questions as accurately as you can. None of this is threatening! So take your time and answer truthfully! Some questions you may answer either way but choose the answer that MOST reflects you.

Answer this question biologically.
I was born female.I was born male.
  1. Consider the following statement. What does your head do when reading this?


    I see a red ball.
    I see a red square.
    I see a square ball.
    I see a... are you nuts?.
    I do not see anything in my head. This is stupid.
    I might see something but not sure.

  2. Consider the following statement. What does your head do when reading this?

    I see a color swatch of my favorite color.
    I see sort of a presence of my favorite color.
    I see an item of my favorite color.
    I see alot of things of my favorite color.
    I do not see a color. I know the color I like best.
    I might be seeing a color but I'm not sure.

  3. When you remember your most favorite person which condition applies?

    I see that person in my head.
    I see that person in the place I last saw them.
    I see that person among others.
    I do not see that person in my head. I do have a concept of that person.
    I might see a person but not clearly.

  4. When you remember your most favorite pet which condition applies?

    I see my furry friend in my head.
    I see my furry friend in the last place I saw her.
    I see my furry friend among other furry friends.
    I do not see my furry friend I know what she looks like.
    I might see my furry friend but not clearly.

  5. Perform the following mathematical 'equation thing' in your head.

    I see 2 + 2 = in my head.
    I see two plus two equals in my head.
    I see 2+2 and it shows 4.
    I do not see numbers I add them.
    Come on its 4 for goodness sakes.

  6. Which applies to this statement?

    Reading them in my head.
    Reading the source they were on in my head.
    Recalling the words as they were spoken.
    I hear the words in my head.
    I almost can read them in my head.

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* = There is no accepted term for the naturally born homosexual condition. "Ex Genere" solves that.