Governor vs Governor

December 6, 2020 0

Did you know this country is a Republic? Sure you did. But its easy to become jaded with the term and not fully understand its meaning.

Simply: a Republic is a country owned by the citizens who delegate the powers of government to elected representatives. Citizens are lions.

A Democracy is a county owned by the country who’s citizens directly take the powers of government through elected members of a governing body. Citizens are unimportant.

A Socialist country is one owned by the country that controls the citizens with only a cursory and insulting hint at elected anything. Citizens are lambs.

A Communist country is one that owns it all. Citizens are nothing but cattle to get the job done. Citizens are Soilent Green.

Government leaders in those countries are all, except the Republic form of government: SERVANTS OF THE STATE. In a Republic they are servants of the people.

That is why, regardless of unconstitutional laws, unconstitutional orders and unconstitutional incarcerations it is overwhelmingly EGREGIOUS that any person in a Republic could ever accept government orders to the people. THE PEOPLE own this country NOT the elected morons exercising dictatorial powers. That was the whole problem with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)’s mandatory fine for not buying insurance. The government in a Republic does not have any power whatsoever to order its people to do anything. THAT IS BACKWARDS and COMMUNISM.

Governors in a Republic are in office to manage the affairs of state. NOT MANAGE ITS PEOPLE!

There is NO constitutional power provided to ANY elected official to order ANY citizen to DO anything. Laws are intended to prohibit behavior not create it.

Executive orders imposing lock-downs, mandatory mask wearing, gun laws, prohibited religious practice, closing businesses and especially determining the mythical condition of ‘essential’ are UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND VOID.

In 1803 a case called Marbury vs Madison settled that.

“Federal laws that conflict with the U.S. Constitution are invalid.” That same thing applies to state laws, county and city regulations.

It should make you ponder deeply the meaning of the condition that, for the most part (minus some idiot weak cowardly Governors like Doug Ducey) pretty much only Democrat Governors have decided they have dictatorial powers over the people who elected them.

Elections are not grants of royalty.

But the bigger issue is the Justice Department.

Charged with protecting the rights of the people, The Justice Department has not bothered a single time to force a Governor to stop violating the Constitution. Not once.

That should scare the crap out of you.

If the people taking over are not stopped; are not punished, are not hurt to a degree past it happening again:

Goodbye United States of America: your Constitution was strong enough to survive nearly two and a half centuries; but your ruling class were either TRAITORS or COWARDS.