Ask them what party they support.
Their answer will indeed be The Republican Party.
Then, you might query, why do you keep referring to The REPUBLIC as a Democrat country?
Every time a Republican or right leaning pundit refers to this nation they do so by referring to ‘our democracy’.
Democrats want you to automatically think Democracy when you think America. Chevrolet wants you to think Chevy when you think cars.
Don’t bother trying to find an authoritative definition of the term ‘democracy’. Everything has been written to support this giant ruse. This, “the practice or principles of social equality: ” is one of the definitions of a democracy provided by Bing as suggestion. You’ll find those controlling the information don’t like you knowing the information. Democracies can be overturned with the whim of the previously elected party leader. Democracies are dangerous to anyone not a part of the ruling class.
This nation is not only a Republic it is the American Republic. There is no other nation like it on planet Earth.
Voting for representative government is NOT DEMOCRACY. Democracy is government ruled by a parliament, unstable government led by a Prime Minister and as fragile as the press wants it to be.
This is The American Republic. Each State within that Union is likewise an American Republic. Scheduled elections. Not called elections. Stable government. People are voted out or removed, the government does not change when they are.
Democrats support Democracy. Which is ……………… NOT THIS COUNTRY!
Yet Republican pundits and politicians refer to the nation as ‘our democracy’.
So which is it?
These poor Republicans do not have a clue what they support.
- They have told it so much it became Kleenex, Google and Ketchup all rolled into one.
- Something that meant one specific thing was allowed to become known for what it is not.
- Kleenex is not the name of facial tissue but repetition made it so.
- Google is not the name of Internet Searching but repetition made it so.
- Ketchup is not the real name for Catsup, but it has become it by repetition.
- Likewise Democracy IS NOT THIS NATION.
They unknowingly advertise the competition every time they refer to the nation incorrectly: by accepting the lie Democrats have told for years.
Republicans could create a brand they have had in their corner since Abraham Lincoln and make it literally turn the tide of this nation.
All they have to do is refer to this nation by truth.
Our Republic.
Replace every use of Democracy with Republic and you’ll kill the democrat brand in 10 years or less, without lifing a finger.
Will Republicans ever refer to their nation by the word they call themselves?
So far stupid* is winning.
* = STUPID: The refusal or inability to apply knowledge where knowledge was needed and was possessed. Officially: If you do not know your next step will kill you, you are not stupid when you die. But if you do know the next step will kill you and you take it anyway there is stupid proven to the point.
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