As is the case with most adverse events in this country that are not naturally occurring; the current police issues were created by Progressives so they could swoop in with the solution.
Police in this country serve the public for one reason. To protect constitutional rights. Period.
But that is not what Progressives have made Police into.
Police now enforce laws that tell people what they can and cannot do. That is not protecting the public’s constitutional rights. In most cases it is rejecting those rights. Unless there is a compelling and valid public safety reason to restrict movement or trade for national security, local security or severe health reasons there, is no right anywhere in the Constitution that gives politicians the ability to order you to do or not do anything. NONE!
If you want Police to be less adversarial, stop making them do tasks their jobs are not meant to do.
This country is not meant to have an enforcement class. It is meant to have a protection shield. Progressives have created scores of new laws, all generated to control or direct behavior. NONE of that is the duty of a police officer. None of it. Yet the police are placed in those positions which almost always results in rejection by the citizen for being told what they can or cannot do. That foments hatred.
When Police have been sent to shut down parties, churches, bars and restaurants, even barber shops the police are no longer protecting the rights of citizens. They have become armed tools of the insurrection to force compliance against a people who’s constitutional rights are denied in order to even pretend a politician has any legal right to restrict commerce, or personal activity that is not already codified and constitutionally sound ; as a threat to society. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A NONESSENTIAL ANYTHING! GOVERNMENT DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT IN THIS COUNTRY TO PICK WINNERS AND LOSERS.
Now that the police have been changed from citizens rights protectors to politician goon squads; Progressives declare they have gone too far and demand removing the police or cutting their budgets to cripple their duties of protecting the public.
Politicians seeking to stop the protection of the public.
Every single politician who seeks to do that should be arrested, charged with treason, sedition, obstruction and a blanket hate crime charge , properly tried and convicted AND LINED UP AND SHOT IN THE HEAD ON LIVE TELEVISION SO ANYONE ELSE WITH THE SAME IDEA CAN SEE WHAT FATE WILL BEFALL THEM.
I am completely against the death penalty FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT TREASON!