THE Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End the National Tragedy of Suicide

Today, June 17, 2020 the White House set forth new goals for a new task force to stop veteran suicides.

“White House officials detailed President Donald Trump’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End the National Tragedy of Suicide, or PREVENTS, task force, which was part of an executive order last year. It’s primary goal is to unite government agencies and non-profit organizations on the issue. ”


Military personnel are required to follow orders. They are expected to train until their responses are pre-programmed and exacting. They are drilled in ignoring self. They are expected and trained to place the mission above their lives. They are molded, created and fabricated to be what the end result creates: dedicated soldiers who will not blink in making the correct movement at the correct time with the correct orders.

That process, the necessary process of training a military fighting force needs to accomplish one task above all others. Nearly eliminate the self of soldiers so they are the team, the unit the force: not individuals with varying goals and desires. It is the purpose of basic training. Breaking the human to become a part of a great whole and not a part unto themselves.

What that does is reduce self-awareness. Self awareness is the process in your human brain (the only species with it) that gives your short term memory the ability to override your long term memory (your life’s experiences and decisions) by giving you brakes. Instead of instantly reacting using known and available history, a self-aware person will contemplate and take control of events not just join into them.

We all have experienced the process to some extent. Your dog pees on the carpet. Your first reaction is to yell to stop it. Then, if you have breaks you clean it up. If you do not, even for a slight moment, you reach out and kick the dog to make it stop. That kick is your brain reacting without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human. The second level of mental processing: short term.

You are in a crowd all chanting the same phrase over and over again. You join in. That is your long term memory reacting and repeating without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human: short term.

Your child won’t stop crying. You try consoling, then you try yelling, then you hit your child to make it stop. That is your long term memory reacting and repeating without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human: short term.

You are in a discussion that turns angry. You stay on topic until that moment when you ‘lose it’ and attack the person you are talking to, instead of staying focused. That is your long term memory reacting and repeating without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human: short term.

You are deep in thought, reading a book and are interrupted without warning. You could be startled and change focus or you could lash out at the person who startled you, changing the topic from interference to attack. That is your long term memory reacting and repeating without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human: short term.

Your co-worker tries to explain something to you. If you cannot comprehend the explanation you either ask for clarification or you lash out at the person for confusing you. That is your long term memory reacting and repeating without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human: short term.

When you are trained as a professional warrior even the smallest aggravation can be met with the outburst of pre-programmed responses. That is your long term memory reacting and repeating without the benefit of the one thing that makes you human: short term.


The solution to post traumatic stress syndrome AND suicides in the military population is simple: Retrain before returning to civilian life!

Retrain the soldier to stop automatically reacting.

Retrain the soldier by teaching the person how their brain works and therefore how to use it to their own benefit by taking control of reactions. It teaches pro-action.

Suicide is what the long term turns to when it cannot cope alone. No breaks from short term mean a wild responsive reactionary creature that, unable to direct what he or she knows to what they were taught to use it for will turn it on their self. Not knowing who their self is makes that automatic and only a matter of time before the frustration overtakes what short term is left and the person takes their own life.

Such retaining is necessary but any overly controlling mental training process to calm down and return to normal but it is not done.

The reason it is not done is also simple: once a hitch it up the soldier wants out, the government wants out and the soldier and newly minted civilian is left to deal with it.

The military should immediately create departure training. Hat Camp! Boot camp starts the loss of self-awareness, Hat Camp puts it back!’

This will not happen though. The reason is also simple: just look around you. There are so few people today who are fully self-aware. This generation has indeed become unlike any other. Instead of progressing to increases in self-awareness and knowledge it has regressed to a reduction in self-awareness. Military discharges are only a small portion of the people with the same problem.

Streets today are loaded with long term reactionary human animals, following every pied piper, repeating even loud slogan, attacking police who are likewise quite often not as self-aware as they need to be to do that job.

The solution boils down to learning.

Learn how your brain works.

Learn how to take control of your brain.

Every veteran, active and discharged should be provided free departure training to stop the cycle of defeat and end wars’ strangle hold on our nation.

Learn why you need to, before the species self destructs and we return the planet to its surviving owners: the cock roaches.


The solution to suicides, depression, OCD and most mental health issues: