If there is one thing Democrats are good at it: TRUTH[1] is not it.
Ronald Reagan got it right when he said: [there is so much that Democrats know that just isn’t so.] When they do not know; they never admit. They make it up only based on what they already know.
A case in point is total ignorance surrounding what this nation actually is. Democrats don’t like the way the country is structured. They do not like the real reason the nation is not a democracy and can never be one. The ‘United States’ of America is just that. A union of states. States that are actually sovereign entities. Every State is its own country but seeks to maintain the identification of a member of the union of states through agreement.
The legal dictionary defines a ‘state’ as : “… a people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, capable of making war and peace and of entering into international relations with other states. The section of territory occupied by one of the United States. “
A person cannot be a citizen of this country without also being a citizen of a state. But one never hears about state citizenship. Politicians only speak of a national citizenship. States must be relegated to mere parts if the notion this nation is a Democracy can take hold. A 10th Amendment violation.
In 2020 Sen. Mike Lee of Utah tweeted “We’re not a democracy.” He later followed up, “Democracy isn’t the objective; liberty, peace, and prosperity are. We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that.”[2] Of course the left’s mouths went berserk.
Definition of STATE [4]
- the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time.”the state of the company’s finances” ·
- a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.”Germany, Italy, and other European states”
- the civil government of a country.”services provided by the state” ·
If you insist on calling this country a Democracy, you are making one massively serious mistake. You are ignoring what this country is.
The one serious problem with all of these points is: THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A SINGLE COUNTRY. IT IS A UNION OF 50 ‘COUNTRIES’ AND TERRITORIES, STATES AND COMMONWEALTHS. Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Virginia have it right:
Definition of commonwealth [3]
1 : a nation, state, or other political unit: such as
a : one founded on law and united by compact or tacit agreement of the people for the common good
b : one in which supreme authority is vested in the people
c : republic
Every single state and Commonwealth within this union IS A REPUBLIC. The nation itself is unique in all of history. It is a union made up of sovereign states and commonwealths. So much easier to confuse the populace American Civics is not taught anymore. American history is ignored. American Democrats care more for power than they do for nation or state.
The initial cause of this confusion is how Democrats think.
It is called inductive logic.
Since Democrats pretty much control what is published in this country definitions tend to evolve inductively.
Inductive Logic [5]
An inductive logic refers to a system of inference that describes the relation between propositions on data and propositions that extend beyond the data.
Inductive logic is a lazy and almost always fatal method of thinking. It means: what one observes is what one sees, and one may extrapolate that observation and impose it on anything that remotely resembles it. It completely and forever ignores any cause not immediately observable. I saw a red car this morning therefore all cars I see today are red. When I see a blue car I either ignore it as it cannot really exist, or I refuse to admit it is blue and declare it to be ‘not-red’ therefore wrong. YES! That is how Democrats think. It is the base of bigotry. It is the base of much worse.
The other variable is what primary sense the person uses to think in. If visual (you see things in your head) Democrats tend to coagulate around the shiniest point or hover over the darkest one or follow the loudest voice or adhere to the prettiest candidate. If aural (you hear yourself talk in your head) you cannot ‘see’ anything in your head, therefore you tend to NOT accept what you see without evaluating what it is and why. It is very hard to be a Democrat if you think in words. Democrats have a horrible time embracing concepts.
Do you find any of these examples similar to your life?
This wonderful list comes from ‘Your Dictionary’.;[6]
- The left-handed people I know use left-handed scissors; therefore, all left-handed people use left-handed scissors.
- Since 95% of the left-handers I’ve seen around the world use left-handed scissors, 95% of left-handers around the world use left-handed scissors.
- In the summer, there are ducks on our pond. Therefore, summer will bring ducks to our pond.
- Mary and Jim are left-handed and use left-handed scissors. Bill is also left-handed. Conclusion: Bill also uses left-handed scissors.
- In the past, ducks have always come to our pond. Therefore, the ducks will come to our pond this summer.
- Jennifer always leaves for school at 7:00 a.m. Jennifer is always on time. Jennifer assumes, then, that if she leaves at 7:00 a.m. for school today, she will be on time.
- The cost of goods was $1.00. The cost of labor to manufacture the item was $0.50. The sales price of the item was $5.00. So, the item always provides a good profit for the stores selling it.
- Every windstorm in this area comes from the north. I can see a big cloud of dust in the distance. A new windstorm is coming from the north.
- Bob is showing a big diamond ring to his friend Larry. Bob has told Larry that he is planning to marry Joan. Bob must be surprising Joan with the diamond ring tonight.
- The chair in the living room is red. The chair in the dining room is red. The chair in the bedroom is red. All the chairs in the house are red.
- Every time you eat peanuts, you start to cough. You are allergic to peanuts.
- Every cat that you’ve observed purrs. Therefore, all cats must purr.
- Michael just moved here from Chicago. Michael has red hair. Therefore, all people from Chicago have red hair.
- The children in that house yell loudly when they play in their bedroom. I can hear children yelling in that house. Therefore, the children must be playing in their bedroom.
- Every chicken we’ve seen has been brown. All chickens in this area must be brown.
- John is an excellent swimmer. His family has a swimming pool. John’s sister Mary must also be an excellent swimmer.
- All brown dogs in the park today are small dogs. Therefore, all small dogs must be brown.
- All the children in this daycare center like to play with Lego. All children must like to play with Lego.
- Ray is a football player. All the other football players on the high school team weigh more than 170 pounds. Therefore, Ray must weigh more than 170 pounds.
- Practically every house on South Street is falling apart. Sherry lives on South Street. Her house is probably falling apart.
- Every year we get a thunderstorm in May. Since it is May, we will get a thunderstorm.
Put all that together, and imagine a life that is centered and focused and resting on the memories made: using that horrible method of logic. Everything you would know would be wrong. Everything you would think was right would be wrong. Everything you find wrong would be right but not for your condition.
Inductive logic forces the person using it to do one highly destructive thing every single time it is used. The person cannot comprehend the need to know ‘why’. If ‘why’ is known the chances of mixing up things just because they look alike would not control Democrats. But it does. Democrats talk to groups. Not individuals. Republicans talk to individuals and simply do not trust the motives of ‘groups’.
Democrats lump things similar into groups and treat every member of the group like the similarity. And they call other people racist. Democrats seek solutions to problems by imposing the solution. Democrats never seek to eliminate a problem they always seek to control its results and they have no patience for fixing things. That takes effort and time. Democrats demand and impose their will.
There have been people like modern Democrats in history. After all, “The Democrat Party’s slogan in 1868 [was] “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule.”[7]
“It’s an obsession with the Democrats to nationalize everything: health care, welfare, the speed limit, abortion, the drinking age — so there’s no escape. Like all totalitarians, the Democrats’ position is: We thought up something that we know will work better than anything anyone else has done for the last 30,000 years. We don’t know why no one else has thought of it. We must be smarter. This is why the history of liberalism consists of replacing things that work with things that sounded good on paper.” – Ann Coulter [8]
In other words: INDUCTIVE LOGIC IS INSANITY. To NOT be insane one must use DEDUCTIVE LOGIC and no amount of edits and revisions and re-definitions can make an inductive assumption correct. NEVER.
In Deductive Logic one observes the obvious and then seeks to justify each element of it by its cause. (Asking ‘why’.) That leads to uncovering the not so obvious.
In Inductive Logic one observes the obvious and accepts it. Then imposes that conclusion on everything remotely similar.
A prime example: VOTING!
States conduct elections. Counties conduct elections. Cities and towns conduct elections. Therefore, to the inductive thinker the federal government also has an election because national officers are elected. BUT….
There is NO national election in this country.
Why? (That would be deductive.) Inductive thinkers would ignore the rest of this as it does not fit the perspective created by fatal thinking.
Why? It is how the national government is formed.
National offices are not national at all. The Senate is made up of people elected by the state they represent to represent the state before the union and equal to the people’s voice in the house. The House is made up of people elected by the people to represent them before the union , with equal authority as the states in the Senate. The President and Vice President are elected by the states to represent the states as the chief executive officer of the union. They are NOT elected by the people.
The ‘Electoral College’ exists to protect the rights of the states as votes for President do NOT take place at the ballot box. They take place ONLY in the electoral college. At the ballot box a voter is casting a vote for an elector who has pledged or is forced to support a specific candidate ticket, n every state and commonwealth: and only because Democrats have been trying to make everything look alike since the country began. A Republic has NO PLACE in it for a Democrat. Therefore being too cowardly to simply move: Democrats absolutely must dominate and make the country fit them.
Not one of those national offices is elected through a national election. Just because elections are held the same day (inductive) does NOT mean they are the same elections. Just because the states have chosen to allow citizens to select Senators does not mean the Senate represents the people. It does not.
And there sits the target Democrats have focused on for decades:
Get rid of the Electoral College and you’ll make elections national. That will eliminate the sovereignty of the states and merge them all into a single entity know as America. There will be nothing to ‘unite’ when everything is the same. Therefore no need for a ‘union’.
The often used quote of Benjamin Franklin: confused in history and often rejected as not real says this:[9]
“Philadelphia, 1787. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention are just leaving Independence Hall, having decided on the general structure for the new United States. A crowd had gathered on the steps of Independence Hall, eager to hear the news. A sturdy old woman (sometimes referred to as “an anxious lady”), wearing a shawl, approached Benjamin Franklin and asked him, “well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied sagely, “a republic, if you can keep it.”
In most versions of the story, the old woman is supposed to represent the ordinary patriot in the new United States, wondering what the future would portend, but also fearful that the Constitutional delegates had chosen the easy and traditional option – a monarchy. Ben Franklin, among the eldest of the elder statesmen at the Convention, represents wisdom, and the foresight that decades in the Independence struggle had given him. We have a Republic, he conveyed, but it will be up to the people to keep it a Republic. And that duty will require constant vigilance in the coming centuries.
Heartwarming and sobering at the same time. Franklin confirmed the start of the Republic, but worried that it might be too innovative for the public to appreciate and preserve.”[9]
And so it has been.
Deductive thinkers learn the way the country is formed and its states and how states are not only sovereign states they have their own armies. No other nation has subdivisions that form their own armies. Not today. Medieval nations formed from smaller family based geographic units. Those had armies and they fought each other for overall power. Today, states do not fight states that is what the federal government is to keep from happening.
Inductive thinkers see the way the country is formed and that it does not fit what they are. They are Democrats so the country must be a democracy and the ‘Republic’ is a ‘not-democracy’,:therefore WRONG. So they change definitions to make inductive appear to be normal. INDUCTIVE LOGIC IS A MENTAL DISORDER.
And then along comes the ignorant sad and pathetic press.
Tucker: Can our democracy survive America’s leadership class? [12]
Tucker Carlson: “Defending Our Democracy” [13]
Opinion: The ‘Big Lie’ threatens to destroy our democracy [14]
If you are ignorant as to what this country is, how it is structured and whether or not a ‘democracy’ is involved AT ALL you need to shut up.
TUCKER CARLSON: SHUT UP! Or get it right.
Most of them being Democrats: it is understandable why the press calls the nation a Democracy. Tucker Carlson seems to be smart enough to actually read the Constitution. Republicans call the nation a Republic. See? Simple!
The United States Citizenship and Immigation Services agency is obviously run by Democrats and telling lies. [10]
Democracy in the United States
The United States is a representative democracy.
This means that our government is elected by citizens.
Here, citizens vote for their government officials.
These officials represent the citizens’ ideas and concerns in government.
A simple deductive evaluation results in this:
Democracy in the United States
The United States is a representative democracy.
This means that our government is elected by citizens.
Here, citizens vote for their government officials.
These officials represent the citizens’ ideas and concerns in government.
It is this kind of improper and outright falsehoods that need to be purged from this nation. But that will not happen until Democrats are removed.
In the Pledge of Allegiance to this country (yes it was added pay attention) the phrase One Nation Under God (coined by Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address) is INDUCTIVELY parsed to refer to God. Forcing the One Nation part to require ‘Under God’ Democrats do not believe in. (Save your argument it is impossible to support Abortion and still believe in God, or in the least accept a higher power. To Democrats nothing is higher than the government.) Deductively one knows the phrase is a concept of a single nation under a supreme law not granted by people.
Democracies are controlled by people elected by people ignoring everything else AND CONSIST of a single nation. Sections may be territories, protectorates, or even states but the central government is the only one with an army and is the only one that is sovereign[11].
This Republic is controlled by the states AND the people who live within them. Germany is interesting in that it is a created government spit into sections, whereas this country is states gathered together to create the national federal government union.
Making elections national in any form at all ELIMINATES THE STATES.
Seeking to replace the Republican form of government this nation was founded in with Democrat ignorant absurdities is TREASON.
[2] https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/10/republic-democracy-mike-lee-astra-taylor.html
[3] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/commonwealth
[4] https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZLBR&pc=MOZI&q=define+state
[5] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/mathematics/inductive-logic
[6] https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-inductive-reasoning.html
[8] https://rightwingnews.com/quotes/the-50-best-ann-coulter-quotes-of-all-time/
[9] https://www.professorbuzzkill.com/franklin-republic/
[11] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sovereign
[12] https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/tucker-can-our-democracy-survive-americas-leadership-class
[13] https://occidentaldissent.com/2022/01/12/tucker-carlson-defending-our-democracy/
[14] https://www.yahoo.com/now/opinion-big-lie-threatens-destroy-142331473.html