Dear Very Valued Reader;

A SCOTUS ORIGINAL JURISDICTION CRIMINAL case based in abused delay through A PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION DISASTER; hiding of criminal charges …

…………………….wait for it…

Has now been delayed. That makes every single court case in this mess has been delayed one way or another. And yes, there is a common culprit.

It was not ‘ready’ yesterday (last day of the term), with the others.

I could write and ask politely if they forgot something. I would enclose a small package of normal flavor Cheetos since the last rejection letter I received was rather impressed with Cheetos stains.

Well.. Irony Alert… there is nothing to do that would make a difference: So we wait. Again.

Ironically as it is… A case, likely the largest in court history, the most complicated. ALL about government corruption across a vast part of the Executive branch, in an extortion shakedown by the NAACP, a world wide censorship scheme run by Lumen Database and Google/Alphabet used by politicians to hide data from the public, NGO’s running governmental agencies from outside; a postal service open and read or divert legal mail corruption ring is caught all across the country. A Highly distributed prosecutor scam caught in two district courts, two federal appeals courts, one Arizona State Superior Court and one County Justice of the peace court (search Hempfling).


All courts were victims of federal felonies.

For 22 years, the massive documented Deep state look up the skirt of the cabal uncovers identification of persons and connections. DOJ, FBI, FCC, EEOC, NAACP, SC NAACP, GOOGLE, LUMEN DATABASE, AND THE USPS.

The 21 Count demand for Indictment contained in the case should be an aggravation for Robert Mueller, Alexander Acosta, Lindsey Graham and the long list of accomplices, a couple are now governors. The evidence for that is in the court but not placed in the online docket. You can, according to the fake docket entry for the 2nd petition, go to the clerks office and see the rest of the documentation in person.

And now, after 7 first petitions, 1 second criminal case petition, over a year and a half of fighting to get in. Finally taken as a merits case in original jurisdiction.

The Online Supreme Court docket with A parallel criminal case residing within the petitions, ends at the notice given to the Solicitor General to respond by March 15. After that there is nothing REAL. Well sure, there is a placeholder there for the second petition but it has no clerk stamp. It is claimed to be received the day it was mailed. Pro Se litigants are not permitted to file electronically.

Lower courts do this all the time, especially when the DOJ takes jurisdiction away for prosecution. It never returns if the prosecutor needs a favor or has a money need.

And then the SCOTUS case. intended to stop the illegal delay of what amounts to STOLEN JUSTICE:

IS DELAYED. Not ‘ready’. Who knew?!?!

I have no concern the Court is doing something improper to save the cabal.

That body, that government branch, even though it does contain quite a few appointed unqualified political hacks in lower courts, is NOT corrupted.

The Judicial is NOT political, much to the hatred of the left who spent months trying to character assassinate Sam Alito. who then gets out of the term without a major case of his doing. poor democrats. Hint.

The government did not defend. The case is made as the private attorney General doctrine

So I hope, now that the term is finished and a valid case remains that has been suffering at the hands of abused prosecutorial discretion, the court would not mind my calling play by play.

After all , all that broadcast experience can’t just go to waste.

This should have already been done.

Nobody knew about this case so no amicus was filed. Pro Se litigants do not go through oral argument so those cases just dissappear unless acted upon publicly.

But when the case is criminal, very little can be made public in order to protect the Constitutional rights of the accused.

Ah , excuse me: if the term is done when would this massive liberal head explosion happen? Is it stuck into next term? It’s been there since 2021. Seriously?

I can be assured that any delay is due to the DOJ. That has got to be where the leaks are from. I watched traffic looking for the same person or organization with heavy queries since early last year. The five eyes, China, Brazil, Iran and others knew who was being either investigated or processed. multiple accesses knew the same Thing at the same time. it was quite reliable.

Even down to Google corporate looking in their own search engine for Michael G. Bailey. Most likely the source of Google’s involvement. Either him or Mark Brnovich (also a name hunted at the same time worldwide.)

So now, after so many people (thousands literally worldwide) following this case and the lower court cases at this site, there is an audience that needs to know. This case is real.

Wait for it.

And then, should the administration prevail and hide this one. I’ll quote us in the petition.

We will never stop in reaching for the greater justice.

Our country is in a direct and fatal spiral.

That stops.

In Our Nation’s Honor:

___(Pretend a signature is here, go ahead you can do it!)__

Lee Kent Hempfling


Thew boxed section below was contained in this piece when first published. It is hereby publicly removed and in the spirit of disclosure will remain here rather than being hidden. It isn’t happening. The rather new workhorse printer I did all court work on, has chosen to retire. It could be worse.

cc: Clerk of the Supreme Court of The United States (no Cheetos!)
(and of course not as fast as online publication. Sorry.)