The term ‘cognitive immunity’ is not a scientific phrase. If it were the ‘scientists’ who described it would be run out of science on rails. Why?
“Cognition” is what ignorance lumps together as “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.”
In other words: All of those functions of the brain, totally not understood, are lumped together to mean ‘THIS IS WHAT YOUR HEAD DOES.”
Enter the left.
Take a phrase they do not actually use and add one they do understand.
“Immunity”; “the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.” It has nothing to do with brain function but that doesn’t matter to the left.
Put Cognitive and Immunity together in one phase and you have exactly what the group who coined the phrase means by it. But from your perspective. Not theirs.
IFTF (Communists planning the future for everybody whether you like it or not) have determined that information that does not fit their world view and desires is not only wrong IT IS PARASITIC!
“Building a Healthy Cognitive Immune System
Evolutionary biologists observe that complex biological and ecological systems are under constant attack from parasites-invaders on the lookout for weaknesses in the system to use as entry points to grow and propagate, in the process undermining the healthy functioning of the host. Under static conditions, these systems have established mechanisms for warding off such attackers. But under conditions of change, these mechanisms are no longer effective, allowing parasites to thrive and weaken the host.”
They mean:
“What is Cognitive Immunity? This is a precarious time in which democracy—our widely shared set of values for responding to social, environmental, and economic challenges—is being undermined by groups that excel in the creation and distribution of infectious social-media-ready viruses.
The Attack Vectors they employ (described in detail on the other side of this map) are designed to exploit network dynamics as well as one or more of the dozens of Cognitive Biases in humans that psychologists and behavioral scientists have identified and cataloged over the years. While cognitive biases may convey certain benefits, such as small group solidarity, they can also compromise our ability to think rationally or judge fairly, making us susceptible to misinformation that raises prejudices, fears, and beliefs that work against flourishing within a functioning democracy.
For democracy to thrive we must develop Immunity Activators for healthy cognition. These boosters are tools, laws, regulations, cultural norms, and skills that work in combination to form a socio-technical infrastructure that protects our networked society against malicious or unwanted intrusions that threaten the body politic.”
Your ideas. Your life. Your notions of freedom. Your concept of liberty. Your consideration of inalienable rights ARE SOCIAL MEDIA READY VIRUSES!
This morning on the Rush Limbaugh program (I never get a chance to listen to, just this once in a long stretch) took umbrage that he was being accused of destroying that immunity.
He said he Googled the phase.
But I did not hear him identify it as ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!
Liberals have not one clue how their heads work. They have no idea what their brains are doing to make them act this way.
But they sure are good at creating sedition and corrupting the ‘body politic’.
I have always been steadfast against the death penalty. Except in one case. TREASON!