Look this up https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+does+the+brain+work&go=Search&qs=ds&form=QBRE : a search in Bing brings up the answer to the question ‘How does the brain work’?
When someone asks how does the brain work, the sad response is always the same.
The Mayo Clinic[1] offers:
“Your brain contains billions of nerve cells arranged in patterns that coordinate thought, emotion, behavior, movement and sensation. A complicated highway system of nerves connects your brain to the rest of your body, so communication can occur in split seconds. Think about how fast you pull your hand back from a hot stove. While all the parts of your brain work together, each part is responsible for a specific function — controlling everything from your heart rate to your mood”
OK. That’s nice. So we learn from the premier medical source that the brain is arranged in patterns from a complicated highway system. What the hell is that?
Sounds like Idiocracy. Brawndo has electrolites.. no we don’t know what that is but it has it. GOOD GRIEF somebody answer a question with the response and not a list of what the brain is made up of.
And that sums up the entire research into how the brain works. Science seeks the tiniest beginning from observation of the end result and expects to know how the thing works by seeing what it does.
So you have undoubtedly witnessed a portable radio before. Therefore, according to neuroscience you should now know how a radio works. Try that.
The problem with any study is staying focused on the question and not filling its response with whatever happens to connect to it.
Perhaps this study was cheating because unlike neuroscience observing and then guessing why, this study started with the equation. In a previous video of Neutricity I discussed how the equation was being used for a purpose but in order to show it active in something everybody could relate to, the brain was chosen to model, using it.
How something works is what makes it do what it does. It is not a laundry list of the impressive volume of parts that make up the whole of a healthy brain.
Starting with the premise that everything works under the same equation, all it took was applying that equation to function. As well as the parts.
Simply put; the brain, using the exact same equation for every single function it does, including the structure: consists of input that feeds a comparison to long term memory that outputs to short term memory that is a emerged mid term memory that saves to long term memory. Done. That is ALL THE BRAIN DOES. Human brains that is. Other brains consist of input that feeds comparison to long term memory and saves the emerged self observation as mid term memory that is then saved to long term. Both simply output to motion. The variables are staggering.
That’s it. Nothing else is needed. This may appear to result in an average of two inputs and that it does. But what it does more than that is keep all calculations to a two body question. Averages can account for any amount of inputs, whereas the brain equation forces two to make a new ‘one’.
Put another way, 1 plus 1 equals 1. How? If it equaled two then both would exist separately from each other resulting in an affect, but neither would be together with the other and therefore there could never be a new anything. Welcome to our completely balanced existence. It takes different to be new. And human Hukeys celebrate the differences and totally ignore the new they make.
The Mayo Clinic[1] continues:
“The cerebrum is the largest part of your brain. It’s what you probably visualize when you think of brains in general. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex, the “gray matter” of the brain. Deep folds and wrinkles in the brain increase the surface area of the gray matter, so more information can be processed.
The cerebrum is divided into two halves (hemispheres) by a deep fissure. The hemispheres communicate with each other through a thick tract of nerves, called the corpus callosum, at the base of the fissure. In fact, messages to and from one side of the body are usually handled by the opposite side of the brain.”
And there is another problem with brain function research. The researcher imposes their own brain’s function as if it is the only brain function. How can a person ‘visualize’ anything when that person cannot ‘see’ anything inside their head? Many people can. Those are visual thinkers. But the aural thinkers, the ones who live with their hearing controlling the show cannot even comprehend what ‘visualize’ means.
And we continue with what it is made of… The Mayo Clinic[1]:
“Your brain’s hemispheres are divided into four lobes.
The frontal lobes control thinking, planning, organizing, problem solving, short-term memory and movement.
The parietal lobes interpret sensory information, such as taste, temperature and touch.
The occipital lobes process images from your eyes and link that information with images stored in memory.
The temporal lobes process information from your senses of smell, taste and sound. They also play a role in memory storage.”
Like explaining your new 80 inch OLED wall TV by listing the parts that are inside the case. Science is so visually controlled today that the concept of how something works is lost for the visual of what it looks like doing it. Sad commentary.
“The cerebellum is a wrinkled ball of tissue below and behind the rest of your brain. It works to combine sensory information from the eyes, ears and muscles to help coordinate movement.
The brainstem links the brain to the spinal cord. It controls many functions vital to life, such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. This area is also important for sleep.”
Nothing like a literal description that suffices for an intelligence explanation. No it does not.
“Nerve cells (neurons) have two main types of branches coming off their cell bodies. Dendrites receive incoming messages from other nerve cells. Axons carry outgoing signals from the cell body to other cells — such as a nearby neuron or muscle cell.
Interconnected with each other, neurons are able to provide efficient, lightning-fast communication.”
Yes, Neurons. They work the same way everything else in the brain works. They do very specific tasks and they are not switches. They are biological calculators. Simple. And they run slower than you can walk. The concept of exponential enhancement and calculations making calculations depends on speed, but not ‘fast’ speed. Efficient speed.
” A nerve cell (neuron) communicates with other cells through electrical impulses when the nerve cell is stimulated. Within a neuron, the impulse moves to the tip of an axon and causes the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that act as messengers.
Neurotransmitters pass through the synapse, the gap between two nerve cells, and attach to receptors on the receiving cell. This process repeats from neuron to neuron, as the impulse travels to its destination — a web of communication that allows you to move, think, feel and communicate.”
And here is where research will confirm the existence of a signal inside the brain that is carried in ‘electrical impulses’ but is not electrical. That is where ‘Neutricity’ comes into play. It IS the values being processed by the brain. It IS the signal that carries you throughout your nervous system and body. It is a frequency that is basically yours and the variations of amplitude in that frequency that represent the resulting calculations of neurons and the unique and very efficient manned they are all connected. And just for discussion, a synapse is nothing more than a biological diode.
Read ‘The Brain Is A Wonderful Thing’ at Google books…. or online at http://thebrainisawonderfulthing.com/
Not enough explanation? You would be right. But its a paper. Not a book or a course.
[1] https://www.mayoclinic.org/brain/sls-20077047
* Also depicted in wave function as a-a’/2+a’ . [Note: this had a typo for 4 years. Has been corrected 11/23. Underscore is actually +.]