(C)1995 Lee Kent Hempfling All Rights Reserved

ABSTRACT: We are all aware of the Bunsen Burner. That small stick of high intensity and
concentrated flame acquired through the introduction of oxygen to the burning gases. In
this paper I will argue that one of the results of the application of the Bunsen Burner to the
understanding of the wavelengths of light by burning specific elements and the
subsequent identification of the photo spectrum will shed light on the understanding of
the photon's position in input receptors contained within the biological eye.

From the humble beginnings of the discovery of  frequencies of the elements astrophysics
was born. The study of stars and stellar bodies through the interpretation of light and the
specific wavelengths given off by different elements.

The study of the elements of physical existence has resulted in the ability to identify the
elemental makeup of stars and the speed and direction of interstellar travel as well as the
speed of rotation of the body. All of this is accomplished by the interpretation of light.

The application of those wavelengths of light permit the eye to accept the data presented
to it and transmit the value represented by the data to the visual processing center of the
brain. It is the application of that data to the receptors in the eye that sets up the variable
values processed by the brain.

In cosmology and the study of the universe the wavelengths of light through the
interpretation of the prism permit the scientific examination of individual elements. Each
element is then further examined by it's placement in the spectrum of light. If the 
fingerprint' of the element is shifted to the blue it is said to be moving toward us. If it
is shifted to the red it is said to be moving away from us. This has been explained in the
Doppler Effect. Named after it's discoverer.

Motion is detected by the examination of the comparison of the values of the spectrum
from one position to the next. In this exact same scenario the eye and the visual input
pathway accepts it's data and prepares it for processing by the brain.

In the replication of this process the design has been posited to be in replication of the
entire process. That places the elements of the vision in the same position as the elemental
makeup of the light reflected by the object being observed. That reflected light enters the
eye's photo receptors and is transmitted to an area of the brain referred to as the V1. In
this area the same examination of the values of the transmitted light message is converted
just as the prism converts light in it's visual state. This conversion results in a variance of
values from the same apparently singular yet encompassing input value and separates that
value into computable levels of variance.

From those values separated from a singular visual input value three distinct values are
generated. Just as the make up of an element varies in it's depiction in the spectroscope
yet continues to be hidden in visual light the values established by the prism conversion
within the brain permits the three point accuracy of motion, direction and identification.

Through the comparison of those converted values the brain results in recognition of a
variation of all three thereby permitting an object to be recognized close up even if has
only been seen far away. Permitting the recognition of an object in a stationary mode even
if it has only been previously observed in a movement. Permitting the recognition of
similar objects that are only in part the same as the previous observation while at the same
time drawing from memory objects that compare to the numerous non readily comparable
values of seemingly incomparable connections.

It is this seemingly incomparable connection comparison that results in the brain's memory
recall of very dissimilar objects when being presented with an observation. Looking at an
apple will not only bring up the recognition of the apple as an apple but will also permit
the brain to extract from memory all comparisons to the apple. Such as shape, color,
position, movement, and in conjunction with the other senses the taste, smell, texture,
temperature and sound of the bite of the apple.

Since the brain's memory is time sensitive and in direct linear order to input everything
that presented itself when the apple was last seen (and previously seen) will also be
present and available for comparison.

Multi Distribution of Input Tasks

The observatory will gaze into space and point it's spectroscopic analyzer toward a
grouping of stars. The Kitt Observatory uses a 160 plus point  spectral analyzer to examine
the individual stars in the observation field. This is accomplished by a series of sensors
connected to light transmitting fibers each one directed to a particular star. Each sensor
will receive a singular visual input of light and through the spectroscopic approach will
divide that visible light into it's multi parts for examination of elements, distance, motion
and direction. Each subsequent observation of another grouping of stars requires
the re-aiming of the telescope and the rearrangement of the light fiber input receptors to
target individual stars as each input receptor is tuned to one star.

In the eye the same process is used only without the movement of the receptors. The eye
uses hundreds of thousands of input receptors to blend it's visual experience into a
detailed and fluid interpretation of the observation. The input receptors are then each
taking a fuzzy blended picture of the overall observation. This fuzzy blended picture is then
further blended by the staggered firing pattern of the receptors to set up the forward
movement of the memory's allocation of time sensitivity thereby giving the brain an
overall vision with soft lines and rounded shapes of variable intensity.

It is the same variable intensity seen by the observation of stars in spectroscopy. A star
noticed to be moving away, shifted to the red side of the spectrum will display on a
spectrograph the physical displacement of it's elemental  fingerprint'. This is shown on the
graph by a thicker and fuzzier line. The observation is actually amplitude modulation. The
same thing experienced with the Doppler effect of the observation of a passing car. While
the frequency remains the same.  The sound emitted by the car will increase in pitch as the
car gets closer and once passing will decrease in pitch. This is the amplitude modulation
effected by the movement. So it is with depth perception of the eye's input receptors.

In the experiment used to evaluate this feature of the eye's input process the results
showed a lowering value as the distance increased. The value of the signal being
essentially the amplitude of that frequency. But in the same experiment the
frequency remained the same thereby identifying particular colors by their reflected
photons and remaining essentially the same color regardless of the distance measured.
This experiment was conducted under the following guidelines:

A work area was cleaned of all extraneous light sources. Windows were heavily covered
and the room was sealed to prohibit the introduction of spurious photons or free electrons
which may have posed a quality discrepancy. A 150 watt  spot light GE light bulb was
surrounded by a metal shield to permit the escape of light only through the forward
opening which was directed on a flat vertical surface mounted on a wall. This surface was
covered with black felt material. The light source was mounted exactly one foot (measured
from the tip of the light bulb to the wall surface covering) from the wall covering at
a 75 degree angle to the wall. A tight  string was strung from a blackened nail attached to
the wall just below the felt surface and extended at a 90 degree angle out from the wall
for a distance of 8 feet. It was attached at that point to the end of a heavy wooden desk.
Along that string markings were made every 6 inches up to and including 7 and one half
feet in distance.  A light probe was constructed using a photo cell mounted to the end of a
small plastic rod and covered with black electrical tape. The probe's two wire connections
were then connected to the inputs of the Triological prism splitter circuit (proprietary) that
mimics the action of the prism in splitting the value from the photo cell into
distinct outputs. The probe was then in a series of redundant exercises placed at each 6
inch interval aimed at the black felt vertical wall. Readings from all seven outputs of the
splitter circuit were taken and charted on a graph showing distance and intensity of
amplitude modulation and frequency grids. Then a series of color coated construction
paper was hung from the flat wall surface and the experiment was repeated for each color
with charting being conducted on each 6 inch interval.

The results of this experiment were astounding. The single photo cell through the
interpretation of the splitter circuit correctly split the light colors into the order of
blue-green-red and accurately in the charting process depicted the depth of the color
in relation to the distance evaluated. Thus resulting in a single input receptor performing a
multi task function of spectroscopic proportions through the application of a circuit that
mimics the performance of the prism.

Through this research the values of vision have been identified. The process whereby the
brain receives and interprets the visual input have been identified and through the
application of the other avenues of technological breakthroughs accomplished in the
further study of the brain's computation processing protocol a plan was developed to
exploit these discoveries by the building of a machine designed to replicate the
input/processing/output procedures of the brain.