Prosecutorial Dereliction

January 2, 2021 1

dereliction der·​e·​lic·​tion | \ ˌder-ə-ˈlik-shən Definition of dereliction 1a : an intentional abandonment b : the state of being abandoned The 9th Circuit, in 1993…

Yes I know… boring name… got a better one? December 15, 2020 POST JUDGMENT INTEREST is free software with no warranty, copyright or other excuse.…

Why We Are Divided

November 10, 2020 0

       As more and more distance is placed between the opposing 'sides' of politics, and more and more desperate and dangerous things are said by candidates…

(C) Lee Kent Hempfling 2/20/1996 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS: “Multi-disciplinary field encompassing computer science, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, robotics, and linguistics; and devoted to the reproduction of…