Everything looks different from another angle. Every student struggles to acquire the point of perspective without knowing it is lost.
The trek through learning new things that are completely foreign; is fraught with confusion: connecting the parts, to become what is learned.
If the student stood where the instructor stood; the point of perspective would be logical to the lesson.
That luxury is unavailable to most living people (a student standing where the teacher comes from). Lessons are taught by introducing a new thing to training, where it is driven into memory, to become vibrantly recall-able. Tests track that. But only how well the training did.
That process is the teacher and the student. The student’s knowledge of the lesson topic is removed by the teacher’s new knowledge. Once inside the student, that knowledge is reduced by the knowledge of the student. We call that bias. It is actually the parts finding matches to different contexts. New information is tested by barely connecting prior knowledge. It nearly halves the learning.
The whole process of teaching and learning is simply: S-T/2+T. T is the teacher, and S the student. The same formula as every other thing in the Universe.
Everything is made of two parts. One law. P-N/2+N. Positive and Negative. That applies to the electromagnetic spectrum as well as the primordial spectrum. We call that Neutricity. (Yes, the teacher is the negative here because the point of perspective is that of the student.)
The Point of Perspective of this dissertation; is now as nearly even as it can be.
Where this information is represented by R, Reality: you (the reader hereof (Hi!)) is represented by I, on account that’s you: I-R/2+R equals knowing.
To know, is the very meaning of life. Imagine how much you know.