“Robots that look and or act in anyway human do only one thing for humans.
They support the absurdity of false.”

Before Fentanyl [2] took his life, our very much admired grandson Cody stood alone amongst his peers in the observation that people are robots.

He said it all the time. He knew there was more to life than following the loudest voice. He knew there was more to his future than becoming what someone’s past wants him to be. Unlike most of his ill connected friends, Cody was self-aware. Very much so. He observed and collected and analyzed and critiqued. Everything.

The world lost that perspective in the beginning of the Fentanyl invasion. Nobody in the old hospital (closed down shortly thereafter) knew what it was. It was an overdose they were not familiar with. His life: NOT in vane. His observations are more true now then they were then.

Humanity has stopped progressing and is de-evolving into chaos. That MUST be stopped.

Today: society is accepting a pseudo science as fact. Artificial Intelligence as a field is blind. It has no idea what intelligence is, yet all that money goes to claim they do. Its a fraud. All of it. Just because it works to do what appears to be intelligent does not make it real. In fact, you can tell when something is not real when it takes more power to do it. Real in this Universe, is efficient. 100% efficient. If it sucks up energy: IT IS A FRAUD.

So while AI and the literally millions of con artists who have identified it as a gold mine (think about it, other than psychiatry, what other field can be led to monetary success without every knowing a single thing it is doing.) Try that with an auto mechanic. A medical doctor.

Human behavior is hardly different than any other brain controlled creature. They are all the same. In levels. That head of yours is running processes so complex, yet so simple the complexity of its difference hides its reality. The reality is plain. Everything is made of two parts. Action and reaction is the output of brains receiving input. Reaction is stupidity. Action is intelligent. Yet most people today react. Everything is made to be emotive, when emotions ARE those reactionary outputs; not made of movement.

The degree of self-awareness controls the degree of reaction. The more self-aware a person is, the less that person will react. How does President Trump take it all? A very high degree of self-awareness. His children are the same. It is passed down in your family. In early human civilization, those very few persons who lived in families with high-self-awareness took control. They became Kings.

Those who have low self-awareness or hardly any at all rely on the emotive crutch. Everything effects how they feel. High self-awareness does NOT ‘feel’. It observes. Then, depending on whether that human is primarlily visual or primarily aural in controlling brain function, the result will be formed in that path. Visual people make great artists and architects. Aural people make great musicians and conceptual planners.

But when self-awareness is low: as it has become the norm, society turns into pong. Everything bounces off of everything else, leaving nothing remaining but the next falling object and reacting event. Spiraling out of control, that chaos is correctable and THAT is the point.

People ARE like robots, Cody. The degree of self-awareness is so low now, the majority of people simply bounce from one event to another, wondering why and what for, but not self-aware enough to stop it. Self-aware is the brakes of your life. Without it: you’e a hukey [3]. A human – monkey. You’ve seen them. They are everywhere. Many are in politics as power replaces self-awareness in deceiving the human into the false induction that they are fine. They are NOT.

As with eveything else in life, any comparison to a real thing is embraced as representing that real thing. Robots looking human (Anthropomorhism!) are perceived the same way. The more they become prevelant the more people will emulate them. The worse self-awareness will become. In fact, it is SO dangerous that humans left to be infiltrated with machines that look like humans will END HUMANS. THE HUMAN SPECIES WILL CEASE TO EXIST IF SELF-AWARENESS IS NOT CORRECTED. Robots that look and or act in anyway human do only one thing for humans. They support the absurdity of false.

If robots that look and act and sound human are not made illegal, are not prohibited world wide, THIS SPECIES IS DONE. It will kill itself off to make a buck and replace those pesky employees. Robots will become normal and that will become fatal. People are already falling in love with machines and embracing non human connections.

The time is coming when education will solve this problem. When people learn how simple things really are, when they learn how easy it is to take control of their own heads, when they learn that depression and hate and wars and fighting and abuse and all other human depravities are solvable: they will embrace the knowledge and the species will live on in peace and harmony and love. Or as I put it in 1968, Peace, Brotherhood and Love. It was a musical church service I wrote and performed once in church. Then I strayed. Fool. Its ok though. I got it back.

It is time for responsible leadership. OUTLAW ANTHROPOMORPHIC [1] DEVICES NOW! Before we all look back and wonder where the self went. When that happens, some other creature will take over. Perhaps the bees. They deserve it.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropomorphism

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fentanyl

[3] https://leehempfling.com/science/logic-matters/what-in-the-world-is-a-hukey/