Domain Locations

November 23, 2019 0

While domains are changing, being replaced or otherwise revised, here are temporary locations. While this is going on, which could take a while… some links may not be active.
Also, some projects from the past have been reinstalled, mostly in demo mode.


Temporary location of Iggit and its sub folders. This domain has been with me for decades. Gone now.


Enticy Institute Website. This site is changing.


Temporary location of the proposed American Healthcare Restoration Act


Temporary location of


This internet court system was built between 2002 and 2004 and massaged more after that. It was taken down a couple of years later for the inability to afford the domain name. This system is legal. It is pressure to get the right thing done. It will work wonders if it is ever resurrected. For now this demo works but not all functions have been updated to today.


Created in the Carrier Underwood season of American Idol; this fictional character role playing, book creating software package was popular until it wasn’t. Quite a few American Idol fans took part in this mythical adventure in Antitown. This is where my wife Suesie got her nickname of ‘TP’.. (She’s also referred to as ‘Q’). TP stands for Toilet Paper, an item character she played in Antimates.