Biden is NOT running for President of the Republic of the United States of America. Donald J. Trump is.

Biden is running for President of the Democracy of the United States of America.

Spoiler: The U.S. is a Republic. Not a Democracy. But Democrats have failed to make that change so they have simply created their own country occupying the same physical space as the Republic and they deal with it just that way.

Current democrat controlled media has redefined the terms to blend them together. But reality is in the way.

A Democracy is: “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state.” The loudest voice wins. Minorities are ignored.

A Republic is: “a form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body.” The minority is protected. The loudest voice is just an aggravation. [1]

In Democrats’ Democracy of The United States the President is elected by the people directly. That would indeed be a Democracy. The ‘popular vote’. But this Republic doesn’t work that way. Never has.

Electing a President is a state issue. Not a national issue. In fact this is a Union of 50 soverign states. Even though all states have agreed to hold their elector selections on the same day, votes are cast for electors NOT for candidates. Electors are either bound to a specific candidate or treated otherwise depending on the state. NOT ONE PERSON has ever voted directly for President in this country. Except electors.

The reason is simple. The President is the Chief Executive of a Union. A Federal Government that answers to the states. So the states select that executive, while the people select the house of representatives, the states also select the senators. States rights means just that.

But to Democrats’ and their fictional Democracy of The United States people are directly voting for President. No they are not. They are voting for electors representing candidates. Since no elector can be elected from another state, there is no national popular vote. Never has been.

Democrats are so convinced of their fictional country that in desperation, Speaker Nancy Pelosi even declared on MSDNC, while trying to force feed the guaranteed corruption of mail-in voting: “During an interview on ‘MSNBC Live’ with anchor Ayman Mohyeldin, Pelosi slammed Trump’s repeated rhetoric opposing mail-in voting and accused him of “scaring” potential voters and welcoming Russian interference in the upcoming election. ‘The Russians were there and they are there now 24/7 trying to interfere in our election, but they’re not the only ones,’ Pelosi said. ‘We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring of the Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.’ The speaker then urged Democrats to ‘mobilize,’ ‘organize’ and not allow Trump to ‘deter anybody from voting.'”[2]

So convinced that the Democrat Democracy of The United States exists she considers anyone against the Democracy version to be traitors to the country. But there is no such country as the Democracy of The United States.

This duality of existence, one real, the other fictional opens a can of worms.

The Oath taken to hold elected office is simple: 5 U.S. Code ?3331. Oath of office : “An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.”

[3] “The current oath was enacted in 1884. It reads:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Serving in their own fictional country begs the question: which country did Democrats swear an oath to defend? We must assume that country is the real Republic of the United States of America. That means Democrats allegeance to their own fictional Democracy violates the oath.

What also violates the oath is refusing to restore order, supporting insurrection and encouraging violence against the state. THAT requires charges to be filed against every single Mayor, Police Chief, Governor and Judge who has stood down to watch American cities be destroyed. Failing to quell the violence is malfeaseance of office and a direct violation of the oath taken to hold the office.

But nobody will address that. Nobody in Washington Authority has the balls to stand up and put down the insurrection. NOBODY! The Administration is too scared of hand selected Judges waiting to issue nationwide injunctions against defending the nation. Which is why the Insurrection Act has not be invoked.

While Democrats run for office this year ask yourself with every utterance of their claims: are they speaking to the Republic that exists UNDER G-D? OR the fictional Democracy they think they run? They remove G-D from the pledge. Answers itself.
