Originally created to honor the lives of those lost defending this great nation in the American Civil War, Memorial Day has become a beacon TO SHINE LIGHT ON THE CURRENT WAR.

The facts about the day are long and detailed:

From War History Online, the 10 U.S Memorial Day Facts you might not know:

      1. 1: Since its very humble beginning on May 5, 1866, the Memorial Day was celebrated on 30th May every year. However in 1971 US congress established a new date for the day, and announced the last Monday of May as official Memorial Day.
      2. 2: Initially the memorial day only commemorated U.S. personnel died during a deadly civil war from 1861 to 1865, but later it took under its wing all those who died for the country.
      3. 3: A total of 620,000 Americans perished in the civil war, while 644,000 Americans lost their lives in all the other conflicts since then. American Civil War is still the single most deadly conflict of the American history.
      4. 4: The ‘national moment of remembrance’ was set at 3 pm on Memorial Day. This was made possible by ‘the national moment of remembrance act’ in 2000 signed by President Clinton on Dec. 28.
      5. 5: The Memorial Day had varying standings in past, one of which was a different name for the day. It used to be called the Democratic day. It was believed that soldiers died upholding the democratic values of the young nation.
      6. 6: Red poppies have always been associated with the remembrance of the dead soldiers. People wear poppies to pay respect and tribute to those who made sacrifices for the nation.
      7. 7: The most interesting fact about the memorial day is that although Federation celebrates the memorial day along with most of states remembering the union soldiers, however many states still celebrate the memorial days for confederate dead soldiers.
      8. 8: About 5,000 people attended the first ever Memorial Day ceremony held at Arlington National Cemetery, the Democrat and Chronicle reports.
      9. 9: Most of the deaths that took place during the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 were as a result of a small pox outbreak. The total number of deaths is estimated to be around 620,000 – 365,000 Union while 260,000 confederate soldiers.
      10. 10: Following is the estimate of the total number of American causalities since the Civil War.
        • In the Civil War 620,000 Americans died
        • WWI, 116,516 U.S soldiers died
        • In the Second World War 405,399 Americans died
        • Korean War killed 36,574 Americans.
        • 58,220 American soldiers were killed in Vietnam War
        • In Operation Desert Storm a total of 148 Americans died in the battlefield while another 145 died elsewhere during the operation.
        • 4,422 Americans died in the Operation Iraqi Freedom.
        • In Operation New Dawn 66 U.S Army personnel were killed
        • 2,318 Americans perished in the Operation Enduring Freedom.
        • SO FAR: 94,594 CIVILIANS have died in the China-One World attack on AMERICA.
        • SO FAR: 335,936 CIVILIANS have died in the China-One World attack on THE WORLD.

CHINA ONE WORLD. C.O.W. Exactly when Democrat Governors are making you into. A COW. You are being herded into your homes. You are being taught to refer to humanity AS A HERD. You are being reduced to compliant, quiet, obedient servants, serfs and abused citizens.

Normally you would hear people called sheep for just blindly following the loudest and most giving leader. But not this time. Sheep are not work animals. YOU ARE. Sheep are not producers of penance (voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong). YOU ARE. And Sheep, as good as mutton is, are not mass productive food. YOU ARE! Hopefully they won’t actually eat you but they will eat your wealth.

You are being made into a COW. While George Soros and his One World Government are speaking gladly;

“This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary. And then came COVID-19, which has totally disrupted people’s lives and required very different behavior. It is an unprecedented event that probably has never occurred in this combination. And it really endangers the survival of our civilization.”

Patriot Pulse put it this way:

“Far-left billionaire George Soros is trying to buy the U.S. government.

He wants to implement his own globalist agenda, and will stop at nothing to do so.

And Soros just revealed his plan to bring in a new world order that will shock patriotic Americans.

For his entire life, George Soros has been fighting against everything America stands for.

Throughout his life, Soros accumulated billions of dollars in wealth and began funding operations that directly oppose the values of America.

Virtually every far-left cause, including Antifa-adjacent organizations, are directly supported by Soros’ money.

And now he is trying to use his influence to go even further.”

With CHINA bankrolling the background and providing the weapon, George Soros and his Progressive minions have had a plan all along: written by HEFFX Australia on May 16, 2017, LONG before the COW happened:

“George Soros’s 7 Step Plan to Destroy America

America is at a very dangerous time in it history. The enemy, George Soros and his puppets are already inside of our gates wreaking havoc.

George Soros is implementing the Arab Spring strategies in very similar fashion to what he did over 5 years ago in the Middle East with the help of Barack Hussein Obama, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.

His playbook is a combination of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hero, Saul Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals.

It is becoming clear that Mr. Soros is implementing the strategies associated with the 1st 3 stages as listed below.

The globalists, 1st introduced to our Republic by former CIA director and US President George HW Bush (41) are going planning to go all the way.

The Final Solution: A bifurcation point where soft kill methods, and diluting the native population through massive immigration will not be enough to ensure total dictatorial control over the planet by the globalists because its methods of replacement are not expeditious enough. That is when soft kill will need to become the Final Solution of hard kill.

In history, the pattern is always the same:

  • Step 1

    Perpetrate an economic collapse that will put millions of desperate people on the street.

    The plan calls for the complete disintegration of law order.Mr. Soros has his excuse, the election of Donald J Trump as President. Mr. Soros has engineered group think in which some groups, collectively, have manufactured enough fear based upon lies, that people are striking out.

    We are seeing this with riots in our major cities.

    Mr. Soros is perpetrating a race war and when it spreads to other segments of our population, not only will safety be imperiled but so will the distribution of goods and services.

    The economic chaos will give government the ability to implement extreme control and censorship in our country. If that happens, The Trump Populist revolution can be thwarted.

  • Step 2

    Combine the economic collapse with the creation of a false flag series of events which necessitates the need for martial law and extreme measures of subjugation.

    It would appear that a mass casualty event is in the works. (Note: Covid-19!)

  • Step 3

    Cordon people off for their own protection (Note: Social Distancing, stay at home orders)

  • Step 4

    Exploit whatever free labor can be extracted from this doomed group while they are being protected and this means the implementation of Executive Order 13603.

  • Step 5

    Systematically exterminate the undesirable group as a move to promote national unity against a contrived common enemy (Christians and Jews). The use of the NDAA will come into full view and we will witness unparalleled persecution of the common enemy. (Nursing Homes and a virus that attacks ADULTS most.)

  • Step 6

    World War III will evolve out of the turmoil as was the case with World War II-Serfdom will re-emerge (Note: Not so fast)

  • Step 7

    This is when global depopulation will begin in earnest. When the smoke clears and the bulk of humanity has been buried, the New World Order will truly be born. (Note: SO FAR: 335,936 CIVILIANS have died in the China-One World attack on THE WORLD.)”

Any of that sound hauntingly familiar?

You are being made into an obedient COW!

While we remember those who fell in defending this great nation, let us also remember those civilians who fell IN THE CURRENT WORLD WAR because ALL civilians are members of the United States MILITIA!

A well regulated militia,

being necessary to the security of a free state,

the right of the people to keep and bear arms,

shall not be infringed.

If that militia ever wakes up, G-D will not protect the treasonous minions of Soros. Evil looses: in case you failed to read the end of the book.