UPDATE: 6/15/2021 Pratt and Shope are nothing more than good ol’ boys. Submitted properly without one confirmation. This will have to be done a different way as there appears to be no politicians representing this area that HAVE A PAIR except the criminals. This is why corruption runs deep!!!!!!

The following open letter was written to Paul Gosar in hopes that even though he could get nothing passed in a Democrat house he could at least get the attention of state leaders who could do something about the death of the rule of law. Gosar’s office has, ,other than requesting contact information after the first submission, ignored all times this has been sent to the Congressman. Next, I tried sending this to Adny Biggs who is also a representative for this area but the wonderful congress has prohibited contact to elected officials not in the area the contact is coming from. Morons. So.. I’m going local.. Frank Pratt and TJ Shope are Republican elected state legislature members who could, if they cared at all; get this passed in Arizona and when they read the documentation for the need of this law they will learn a great deal about the rule of the good ol’ boy group in Arizona. See them at http://realleadershipaz.com/



Greetings Mr Representative!

As you are undoubtedly aware: prosecutors all across the country are refusing to enforce laws, giving blanket amnesty for specific criminal offenses and have managed to manipulate the entire criminal justice system with the failure of past congresses to provide accountability requirements.

Let us solve those problems with one, simple bill I am urging you and your colleagues to pass. I know it will go nowhere under Democrat rule, but it needs to be offered if only to disclose the levels of potential corruption the criminal justice system has built into it. Or perhaps it would be viewed by state legislatures who could copy it and solve their state’s Soros Funded Prosecutors.

Never mind the millions of dollars the likes of George Soros and other bad actors have poured into local and state prosecutor races to elect the scum that is currently pretending to protect citizens. It is what they are doing that screams for legal correction.

There are three elements to these corrections:

1: Every prosecutor takes an oath of office pledging to protect the Constitution of the nation, and locally state Constitutions as well. Few today are bothering with that oath. A bill should be offered that took the next two elements into consideration and stepped up and forward to solve the issues presented.

2: Laws are not suggestions to law enforcement. Prosecutors refusing to pursue charges against entire fields of criminal offenses are not only violating their oath of office, they are actively presenting a demonstration of their total disdain for the rule of law. What has always been plaguing prosecution and justice in this nation, the process of prosecutorial discretion: was always since its inception, been considered to apply only to individuals facing criminal accusations. See #3 for solving that problem. But now, the far left has identified a way to use that power where it cannot be used. The same thing. A decision not to prosecute cannot be made without a person who would be facing the charge. Deciding not to prosecute offenses before they have occurred is aiding and abetting the criminal. As well as hanging an open for business sign on the government’s hallowed gateway.


3: Prosecutors are not held responsible for the consequences of their actions. Yes, there is a rule requirement that a charging document be kept in the case file of each person charged, showing why the decision was made to charge the person. On the other hand, and this is where the corruption is rampant, there is no rule or requirement to document a decision not to charge a person. The ‘under the rug’ rule purposely sets the processes of ignoring justice and selling freedom into motion to become the one loophole criminals covet. How easy is it to have your case ignored by the prosecutor? And there is no paper trail to show how much the lack of justice cost.

The simple bill would only need define a prosecutor’s job :

The Prosecutor, District Attorney, U.S. Attorney is defined as the person elected or selected to represent the state or the government in defense of the people of the city, county, state, tribal or federal jurisdiction as required by law since the beginning of the nation; shall equally enforce, prosecute and investigate every infraction of law the legislature passes without refusal. The prosecutor possesses the power of discretion, in deciding which person or individual entity will or will not be charged with the commission of any crime based on the authenticity and power of the known evidence as provided by law enforcement and other factors based in restrictions of ability. A prosecutor viewing a referral from law enforcment with a pending decision of charging or not charging any person or entity with any criminal offense, must document that charging decision, giving answers to why and how the decision was made, whether there was any outside influence or pressure received in the decision process and including any dissenting opinions of affiliated law enforcement or prosecutorial staff to either file charges or refuse to file charges. Such record must exist in every case file and would be FOIA available. Discretion does not apply to non persons or entities: which means; a law cannot be disregarded, a crime cannot be ignored, or embraced, or excused by any prosecutor. The legislature has jurisdiction over laws, not the executive.

That’s all there is to it. If you could make it apply to all prosecutors in every area of the county that would be great but its doubtful. Individual states that made those responsible for actually protecting the citizens, accountable to those citizens would stop any potential of corruption by anyone matching the price of a discretion that no one could ever look up later. There is a great deal of politics involved at that level of the sewer.

This will put an end to the George Soros funded anti-prosecutors who are throwing entire cites and states to the wolves. It will also end federal prosecutors embracing their deep state handlers and protecting their long held network of co-assisting private companies and law firms.