Today, January 22 2021 the following FOIA request has been filed with the Justice Department. The following Freedom of Information Request(s) are(is) submitted in compliance that each is in the public interest because all are likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government and are not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.


FOIA/PA Mail Referral Unit
Department of Justice
Room 115
LOC Building
Washington, DC 20530-0001

January 22, 2021

The following Freedom of Information Request(s) are(is) submitted in compliance that each is in the public interest because all are likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the government and are not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester. The victims of the crimes listed below are the Judicial Branch of the State of Arizona and the Courts of the Arizona District Court, the Charleston South Carolina District Court, the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court and the Ninth Circuit Appeals court of the United States Judicial Branch.

Pursuant to the Justice Manual Title 9: Criminal: 9-2.000 – Authority Of The U.S. Attorney In Criminal Division Matters/Prior Approvals 9-2.020 – Declining Prosecution this Freedom of Information Request(s) are(is) directed at acquiring the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it in either declining (case is closed without prosecution) to prosecute or deciding to prosecute (9-2.010 – Investigations) the federal crimes committed and contained within the following court civil trials.

In each instance listed below the crime or crimes committed are a matter of public record on the associative court dockets or are maintained off-docket. It would be beyond impossible that the courts would not have reported these crimes for prosecution, each being the direct victim of the respective crimes.
1: Arizona Pinal County Superior Court Case #: S-1100-CV-201102200 HEMPFLING vs CVDC HOLDINGS:
The case was defaulted due to manipulation of illegally filed defense documents and is believed to have consisted of multiple issues of bribery of court clerks on or about 6/22/2011. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

2: Arizona District Court Case #: 2:16 cv 03213 ESW Hempfling et al v. Voyles et al changed to Hempfling v. Volkmer et al
Multiple U.S. mail thefts belonging to and addressed to the court starting on or about 09/21/2016. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

3: Arizona District Court Case #: 2:16 cv 03213 ESW Hempfling et al v. Voyles et al changed to Hempfling v. Volkmer et al
State sanctioned censorship of the United States Courts through Google starting on or about 09/21/2016. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

4: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Docket #: 17-16329 Lee Hempfling, et al v. Kent Volkmer, et al
Multiple U.S. mail thefts belonging to and addressed to the court starting on or about 06/28/2017. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

5: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Docket #: 17-16329 Lee Hempfling, et al v. Kent Volkmer, et al
State sanctioned censorship of the United States Courts through Google starting on or about 06/28/2017. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

6: U.S. District Court District of South Carolina (Charleston) CASE #: 2:04 cv 01373 PMD Hempfling v. LM Communications Inc
Multiple U.S. mail thefts belonging to and addressed to the court starting on or about 05/03/2004. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

7: U.S. District Court District of South Carolina (Charleston) CASE #: 2:04 cv 01373 PMD Hempfling v. LM Communications Inc Counter Claim
Multiple allegations of corruption in the FBI, DOJ Civil Rights Division, EEOC, FCC and NAACP among others; starting on or about 06/30/2004. Seeking through FOIA the required file or notation reflecting the action taken and the reason for it.

Your prompt response to this request for documents will be greatly appreciated. We also respectfully request full waiver of fees and costs associated with these requests as we have appeared In Forma Pauperis in most if not all of these civil cases.

Please respond to:

Lee Kent Hempfling
Apache Junction, AZ 85120

If you wish to respond electronically please do so at ——@—————-


Lee Kent Hempfling
Apache Junction, AZ 85120