Here we go again, but at least this time, the outright literal de-listing of this website from Bing Search turns out to serve a purpose. Well, two actually. Update: and now a day later everything has changed again. Only this time, ranking is much better than it was before the darkness descended. Google did not change. So something was going on inside Bing. Interesting. Update screen shots at the bottom of this now revised dissertation.

First this page is most likely going to show up in Google search pretty darn soon after publication. No matter how criminal the corporate is, the software is just brilliant and that is people. Not the bad guy people. The people who actually make it work. Bravo to them.  Oh, yes.. and whether Bing shows it or not (they won’t it appears) doesn’t matter unless you are the 3% who actually remember what a Bing is.

And second: By taking this website out of the search results in Bing but not in Google (as of this writing) it shows a number of interesting things. Not going to go into most of them because it has served a greater purpose. A greater purpose. Aggravating term when stuck in its claws, but a necessary one nonetheless.

Now we can see simply by cross posting the same short phrases how this website influenced the search for the main appeals case Hempfling v Volkmer.  In Google we see this:

Has content that originates from this website, including Facebook references to it and removes the formerly elusive 9th Circuit web presentation of the .pdf Google had blocked for so long (among other things!)

While over at Bing the content not influenced by my own writings is glaringly top of the page:

and there it is , right there in the top 10: the actual formerly missing 9th Circuit pdf location link. Can’t use the term ‘publication’ because it would only be accurate if it was referred to as an unpublication but I’ve never heard of that term before and I’m certainly not coining it now. But they at least admit some results have been removed, the clicking of which is a nice legal statement that somebody , somewhere, somehow, assuming legally has literally blocked this website from Bing search results.

I’d say some results have been removed: GOOD GRIEF ALL OF IT! Now before the technically inspired begin formulating how this could have happened here’s the sknny: Over this past weekend this website and others I have had over the years moved to a new host. Then to top that off, once moved I changed about 60% of the site’s posts to a different category structure pending a navigation upgrade. BUT at the same time a wonderful plugin was installed that takes what page was asked for and gives you what its current location is so there are no 404, 301 or 302 error messages. Let’s heap a bit more on top of that: this website is served through Cloudflare! Most of what is served is cached material through Cloudflare. In other words: even though category structure was changed, both Google and Bing have indexed this site deeply.

So.. the saga continues:

First Google censored the 9th Circuit Court then they stopped doing that.

Now Bing is censoring this website. But at least Bing points to why and this why is either illegal or it isn’t.

I’ll opt for legal.

For now.

Of course if this all changes in 13 minutes it’ll look like it never happened. I don’t own Photoshop so no. No photoshopping.


Things changed the following day. This is now what the site search results in:

While Google has not changed from yesterday, this is what now results when searching Bing for the case name. Very much re-arranged.

Have to scroll in that search to the bottom of the second page to find the elusive formerly kidnapped 9th Circuit document.

So… never before have a witnessed a delisting, a complete removal of a website then a bursting forth of the same website a day later.

Stranger things.