Development Projects

December 14, 2019 0
Neutronics Technologes Corporation conducts research into the operating system of the human brain.
We model this system in a unique quantum function to construct intelligent machines. From ENTICY 1 with 8000
parallel processors to ENTICY 3 with 500,000 parallel processors. We conduct reseach into application of the
algorithm of intelligence to tasks such as earthquake prediction, weather prediction, collision proof vehicles,
intelligent agent machines designed for everything from process control in plastics and cosmetic manufacturer
to artificial limbs, replacement hearing aids, replacement vision systems, three dimensional visual recorders,
three dimensional audio recorders and pressure, taste and smell sensor systems. To learn more about NTC and it's
research endeavors click on CONTACT below and write us. Or send email.


Let's face it. The Ricci-X1 Prototype project is NO easy task. What this prototype will do will prove the concept of
non-digital, autonomous self control computation. In discussions with academics the obvious objections have been
forthcoming. Everything from "any computer programmed well could do that", to. "I could build one of those", to, "so
what, a Heathkit Robot can do that for a lot less", to, "it's a neural net, so what." All of these comments and more have
fallen by the way side when confronted with one simple difference. The X1 prototype robot will have NO programming.
It will have NO instructions. It will have NO rules. It's neural connections will not change or adapt. It has come to be
agreed that no digital computer based robot could accomplish what the ENTICY X1 prototype will accomplish.

The difficult part in understanding the entire computational model of mental activity proposed by this project is in
accepting that the human brain is a deterministic computer. It is connected and wired in one manner. It's output is
determined by it's input and by it's ability for output. Just as you could not fly if you wanted to because your limbs are
designed for other uses the X1 will be dedicated to movement in relationship to it's abilities. 

WHAT IS ACTUALLY BEING ACCOMPLISHED: The construction of a machine that will think on it's own. Make it's own
decisions. Move on it's own determination. Not move on it's own determination. How can we be assured it is indeed
acting on it's own? By not giving it any instructions. By not giving it any rules. By not giving it any programming.

DEBUT: When this machine is debuted for public view the stories written about it and the television programs dedicated
to it will all begin with the same premise. SO WHAT? A robot has been produced that avoids obstacles. That's been done
before. A robot has been produced that makes decisions based on it's input. That's been done before. But the catch is in
the method.  When writers and hosts observe the robot in action they will not be so inclined to declare a wonderful thing
has happened. Until they are shown and convinced that the machine is doing what it does completely by ITSELF. Not a
single programming line tells it to move or not to move. Not a single programming line tells it what to do with input
when it receives it through its photocell receptors. Not a single programming line tells it how to deal with an
approaching cat. With memory in this model (due to its computation rate) approaching a full 4 minutes for each input
receptor who knows? A cat might become a reason to avoid or it might become a nuisance and a reason to chase. It will
all be determined by the machine. When the writer or host is convinced there is no slight of hand, that there is no trick,
that the machine is indeed THINKING ON ITS OWN it WILL be a BIG DEAL.

SO HOW DOES IT DO IT?: The Ricci-X1 ROBOT is designed for the intelligence level and the motion ability of a common
lobster. Not much intelligence there. Just a built in motor function for survival. STAY AWAY FROM PERCEIVED THREATS.
It does it by the inputs of 20 photocell receptors placed at an even 18 degrees spacing in a 360 degree circle around
the robot. Each photocell is connected to a ‘brain' comparator. Much like the subconsciousness level of intelligence of
the lobster. In normal room light the robot will ‘see' an obstruction and the closer it gets to it the more control the
‘sight' will place over the motor function of the robot. Moving in a forward direction the robot's ‘sight' of an
obstruction will cause it to avoid the obstruction in an opposite but parallel direction to it.  If the obstruction is within the
motion path of the robot it will move to the opposite side of the obstruction in direct proportion to the value of the
obstruction. A large obstruction will cause a wider movement. A smaller obstruction will cause a shorter movement. If
approached from the side or rear by a moving object the closer the object gets to the robot the more control is given to
the motor function and the robot will either turn or move quicker or both. It will depend on the robot.

If approaching an obstruction that completely blocks the path of the robot the robot will either search for a passage by or
reverse its direction or a combination of both. Its will depend on the robot. If approaching an opening between two
obstacles that is wide enough to pass through the robot will on its own determine if it will pass through or go around one
or the other. If presented with a wall the robot will either crawl along side it or reject the option of parallel passage and
seek another direction. It will depend on the robot. If approached from the rear by a fast moving object the robot will
either turn to let it pass or try to out run it. It will depend on the robot.

If presented with a corner the robot will either turn to head the opposite direction or follow one wall to escape capture
or stop. It will depend on the robot. Since the robot's memory is what is being compared to its input a stoppage will not
last long. The robot will think of a way out of the corner.

All of this is done by the design of the computational process. Input of the photocell is compared to the negative side of
the robot's thinking battery. The resulting free electrons (a result of the action of the photons to the electrons of the
battery) are sent along the negative wire to the robot brain's splitter circuit where the value caused by the
photocell/battery comparison is split into seven distinct outputs. In the X1 robot model only one output of this splitter
process is sent on for further computation. In later model upgrades additional outputs (up to three) from the splitter can
be added simply by connecting the pins provided on the splitter section of the circuit board to additional comparator
and memory circuits. Space prohibits that for now.

The value sent to the comparator is then ready for the thinking process. It is compared to 10 values from the dedicated
memory pathway of that receptor. The resulting 10 values running at 10 per second, are sent to the limbic conversion
board and the memory inputs. In the limbic conversion circuit the values are combined (remember these are still free
electrons) and compared to the positive side of the motor function battery in effect giving a controlled value of the
motor battery to be sent to the motor control circuit. It's just the same as a controlled resistor varying the values of the
motor battery's output but without the crossing of the poles and without the resulting heat. So both batteries remain
independent of each other.

The resulting value is sent to the motor control board where it is assigned via a hardwired connection to the
corresponding movement potential. If a particular input receptor is set to ‘see' at 18 degrees the corresponding motor
output is set to act in the opposite direction of the 18 degrees. The higher the value the more incentive is presented to
the motor control board to activate the movement of the wheels in that direction. With all input receptors functioning at
the same time continuous signals are sent at 10 per second for all directions with those being of higher value winning out
over those of lower value and therefore controlling the direction and speed of the robot. (Keep in mind that since this
robot has its own memory such values are determined by that memory and NOT by the input receptor..except the first
time something new is ‘seen.' Not a single instruction is given as to HOW to send those values which means that values
of memory reign supreme over input. That means that if a smaller value carried a higher weight of threat potential (from
memory) the action would be directed for avoidance of the smaller obstruction. In direct proportion to its distance and
it's movements.

It is purely deterministic. In other words we would say the robot had the instinct to avoid a particular object over another
one. The longer the memory the more control is given to that function.

HEARING: Since initial development of the X1 project it has been determined that adding the hearing capability to the
robot will greatly enhance its ability to display intelligent behavior. So the X1 has been redesigned to accommodate
stereo non digital, non-microphone, hearing capability.

POWER INTEGRITY: Of course turning off power to the memory will erase all of it. And turning off power to the motor
function will simply prohibit movement. The X1 is designed for the ability to do both or to control one at a time. When
the robot's motor function battery is turned off and its input receptors are closed it could be said to be sleeping. When
the robot's thinking function battery is turned off it could be said to be dead. 

Outputs from the robot are designed to be provided for monitoring the ‘sleeping' function.

Through those outputs and a connection to a dedicated programmed digital computer we will be able to observe the
robot's ‘dreams' as it replays the last four minutes of it's combined memory and makes new comparisons resulting in
the program's display of phantom movements in a digital virtual reality version of the robot on the screen  and phantom
dream ‘visions' in a virtual reality 360 degree view of what the robot has ‘seen.'

During the construction and design process the entire procedure is being filmed with a video camera. A video archive is
being kept of each testing phase. Each connection phase. Each real time real world movement test and each full function
test. Video archives will be made of the digital computer's dream record of the robot and the result will be a fully
professionally produced (with music, narration, and computer graphics) video presentation of the robot project.

THEN WHAT: When it is completed the film will be available for venture capital acquisition and for use in debuting the
ENTICY X1 Prototype to the press. The ONLY thing that has stood in the way of the complete NTC project funding has
been understanding the process and accepting that it is possible to build a totally intelligent computer that has NO
programming. Well... You don't have programming in your head either.

When the Ricci-X1 Prototype is debuted to the public as the first product of NTC the result will be astounding.

The ENTICY 1 project will have 8000 parallel processors, with 2000 receptors per eye, self controlled head turning, eye
focusing, eye direction, full speech and be FULLY CONSCIOUS.