Before discussing the neuron's computational protocol it is imperative to understand the value
acquisition system of this process. The best method to accomplish that is to compare it with conventional
electronic signal processing.
          In conventional electronics a power supply rated in voltage in applied to a circuit and resistance
is added rated in Ohms to adjust the level of that voltage by controlled shorting of the circuit to the grounded
negative of the power supply. The variation of resistance acts as a method of value establishment for the controlled
release of a continuous flow of free electrons.
          In the quantum computational process a power supply rated in voltage is applied to one side
of a transistor as a continuous and stable source while the negative side of the power supply is applied to the other
side of the transistor after being varied through external stimulus to result in the release of a continuous flow of
free electrons which represent the  expelled' excess free electrons of the conjuncture of the two energy sides in
a controlled friction. With no stimulus (input receptor off) there is no expulsion of free electrons. The smaller the
external stimulus (less light, less sound, less variable incentive) the less free electrons will be expelled from the
transistor (see figure 8.) Figure 7 graphically depicts this process in the neuron's protocol. It is an  upside' down
system compared to conventional electronic processing. When the external stimulus reaches maximum input to
the neuron the neuron is expelling all free electrons. When the input stimulus exceeds the maximum of the neuron
the neuron begins to severely drain (or otherwise revert to conventional electronic processing) the positive side
of the power supply which shows as a great amount of resistance measured in Ohms. 
          The result of this processing technique is that normal processing for outside stimulus (input
receptor) removes the usual and conventional resistance process of electronics to outside of the system and
reverses it the result being that it does not severely drain the power's positive side. 
          Acquiring the external stimulus is a simple process to understand using the example of light. In
a light receptor (rod and cone of the eye) the intensity of the light (measured in photon's) strikes a photo receptor
which is in line with the negative side of the power supply. (Essentially a transistor.) This mixing of the photons
and the electrons results in the expulsion of free electrons those free electrons travel to the neuron where they are
compared to the protons of the power supply's stable positive side. The result is the expulsion of the excess free
electrons from the input receptor which will decrease with higher intensity input and increase with lower intensity
input. This reversed process results in the neuron accepting an upside down value whereby it compares it to a
right side up value from the positive power source side and results in an upside down release of free electrons that
is the comparative result shown in the formula: 
          The result is free electrons that have a count equal to the comparative difference between the
positive side and the negative side of the inputted values. This uses a transistor as a controlled and variable
resistor. Essentially this is the process of entropy at work between the two values.
          In figure 7 it is shown how negative values that are less than equal to the positive value result
in values able to be stored in memory and further computed in additional levels of computation which have been
motivated to expel free electrons by the external stimulus of the photons striking the photo receptor.
          Figure 7 also shows how values that have been so intense in the photon/electron comparison
in the photo cell receptor exceed the equal values of the positive power supply's side and result in normal and
customary resistance but not values passed on by free electrons as none are expelled. 
          It is this excess value that is the cause of pain in a biological neuron processed system and results
in the pain values if exceeding to drain of the positive side of the power supply placing the biological host in shock
by shutting off the positive power supply and stopping the flow of free electrons which have previously passed
through the system.
          Since the system is input intensive (all subsequent processing is pushed ahead by input values
entering the system) such intense values causing pain shut down the system and the result is observed to be total
shock. Such shock only effects the input pathway effected but since the feed back loops of motion motivation
control the upside down signals sent to the limbic system they are compared to nothing and therefore remain in
a state of rest without the brain's  don't rest' signals.
          In sleep (when input receptors are for the purposes of computation, shut off) values from the first
memory continue to run past the input receptor's pathway without being adjusted for input values and are sent
to the second comparator without variation. Without external stimulus the values of memory are unchanged and
they compare to memory contained in the second level of memory without reference to reality and without
reference to time sensitivity. With values contained in mid term (2nd level) memory comparing to values without
current relevance to the system most unusual comparison can result and we dream things that are but are not
relative to reality as we see it at the time of the dream.