The Senses

December 14, 2019 0
(C)1995 Lee Kent Hempfling All Rights Reserved

		Humans are able to determine what they are by what they observe they are. So in such observation it is observed that we have five senses. Hearing, Smell, Taste, Vision and Touch. But there are two that result in one that is observable. They are, Temperature and Pressure resulting in Touch and the sixth of Balance.
		I don't think there will be much disagreement among colleagues that Temperature is indeed a contributing factor in the Touch sense but I am sure there will be a great deal of disagreement regarding Balance. Balance has been observed to be a product of the inner ear and as such has been considered to be part of the hearing process.
		Actually balance as we observe it is only the result of balance throughout the entire body. More on that when we reach that sense's description and explanation.

		The process of sight has been the subject of great research recently by computer experts trying to duplicate the eye's dimensional and color abilities. The research has centered around the observable result of sight and not the causative aspects of sight. By that, I mean that vision processes in a digital environment have been ‘seen' to function like the application functions that will attempt to duplicate them. This results in vision programs using video cameras with x-y coordinates used to establish mark point whereby lines can be drawn to construct the outline of the subject ‘seen'. That is fine for stick drawings which then need to be filled in and rendered in a slow process of digital computation but that is NOT the way the eye ‘sees.'
		Throughout this work I have tried to compare the actual processes of computation in a living organism with the observable and therefore acceptable applications of them in a digital environment. That comparison seems to leave the reader with a known quantity compared to an unknown quantity that results in the potential of understanding of the unknown. It is the same process used by scientists to describe otherwise impossible concepts to understand. The difference being that in so doing I am essentially debunking the digital interpretation of life and the misapplications of replication procedures.
		The vision process is similar to the x-y coordinates of a grid of pixels from a video image in that each pixel represents a portion of a larger picture. But that is as far as the comparison can go. Where digital processing will assign a value of light intensity, color and placement to each pixel it will not consider those values in further computation. It will only use them to arrive at the continuous result of the pixel's existence in a certain state.
		The pixel then becomes a point whereby other points can be filled in two connect points and a line is drawn. The fallacy of this procedure is that in having compared ‘alive' vision with it's replication platform the result has spilled over into the study of the vision itself.
		In the brain's processing of vision the ‘pixel' represents a computative result from a rod or cone. That result sets up the processing of the ‘sight' from that input receptor and it remains within the pathway of the single input receptor. It does NOT have a binding with other input sensors other than the synchronicity of firing patterns of rods and cones and the subsequent binding found in the limbic system when the values of all of those rods and cones merge to form coherent motion motivation.
		The digital process of replication of sight jumps from the establishment of rod-cone ‘pixel' values to the binding of those values in the limbic system without regard to the synchronicity of firing patterns and without the processing of the value of the receptor's signal. It's a lot like (here goes the comparison again) observing a candy making machine. Sugar and other parts go in one side and finished, ready to devour candy comes out the other end. Trying to make a candy machine from only the knowledge of what goes and  what comes out results in the illusion of candy that has absolutely no resemblance to candy as the mixture and processing of the parts is not observed and therefore can not be replicated. It's Virtual Reality. Not Actual Reality.
		When one arrives at the appearance of candy (as seen to be expelled from the candy machine) it will be declared to be candy but any self respecting child will disagree. That is until the definition of candy is changed to include the illusion as acceptable. Which has been what has happened as a result of incorrect assumptions based upon the limitations of the replication process without regard for the process being attempted to be replicated.
		The eye ‘sees' as a whole. It's parts are vitally important to make up that whole which is observed to be whole without regard to the parts. Each rod and cone is the beginning of a computational pathway. The synchronicity of firing patterns of those rods and cones establish the blending of the individual values into a comprehensible ‘sight.' The more inputs the more ‘blended' the outcome will be and the greater the perceived clarity will be. The same applies to the firing patterns. The faster the rate of firing patterns the more blended the ‘sight' will be. This accounts for some animals who can see in great detail but do not possess the quantity of rods and cones humans do. Some animals possess a greater quantity of rods and cones yet function at a slower rate of firing pattern which slows the syncronicity and results in the same relative vision ability as one that has a smaller number of rods and cones with a faster firing pattern synchronicity speed.
		The rods and cones themselves are specialized to some extent. Science has considered that some are sensitive to colors of one shade or another while others are only sensitive to intensity of light. That is not true. All rods and cones are sensitive to intensity of light as it is the light's photon's that provide that intensity and as VIR receptors sets up the computational process of mental processing by ‘injecting' values into the system, (See The Wave Process.)
		The rods and cones are not definitive color separators. They are ‘tuned' to a specific range of light. In humans we call it ‘visible' light as it is ‘visible' to other humans. To a dog, ‘visible' light would be closer to the lower end of the spectrum and therefore not ‘visible' to humans. "Visible' is therefore a relative term. Not only is it relative in application of particular rods and cones it is relative in application to other life forms and their particular assigned ‘visible' light spectrum.
		The light  spectrum can be described as a graded line of values with lower values to one side and higher values to the other side. The acquiring of a particular color is made by the joint computational values of the results sent forth from the V1 splitter circuit. In that circuit the single value established by the input receptor (rod and cone) is split into seven distinct outputs.
		Of those outputs three are identicle, two are opposing and two are not relative to processing but are relative to balance. The brain is ‘hardwired' to process the signals from one of the identicle trio of values and both values of opposing signals. The remaining two of the identicle trio are backups and account for the brain's ability to continue to process values after injury when it repairs itself. It repairs itself by making the short connections between identicle values and identicle processing pathways. 
		In experiments with this system using a photo cell and the V1 splitter circuit a chart was constructed to permit the comparison of values from each pathway exiting the splitter in relation to the various values fed into the photo cell.
		This was accomplished by enclosing the experiment in a darkened room, marking out six inch intervals in distance from the ‘target' sight (a dull black , non reflective material surface attached to a wall where colored pieces of paper were hung. A spot light was directed to the paper and blocked from reflection or interference with the photo cell receptor. 
		The receptor was placed first at six inches from the target without colored paper hanging on the wall to establish a basis value of no light reflected. The values were then registered on the chart in increments of 6 inches further away from the target black and non reflective wall to an extension of 7 and one half feet. Then the same procedure was performed with a plain white paper attached to the wall. All paper used in the experiment was construction, dull and non reflective material all of the exact same size and all hung in the exact same location by the same two hangers. 
		Since the computational process of the V1 splitter circuit entails external stimulus to set up free electron release and since the computational process results in what would be perceived to be reversed readings for an electronic system the experimental results were registered on the chart in Ohms. A level of resistance.
		Black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, and purple colored papers were used in the experiment each having the value results of six inch increments registered on the chart in ohms. After the data compilation process the chart was evaluated and it was apparent that the three pathway processing of the two opposing values and the identicle trio outputs was quite sufficient to identify color of a specific type only by the single input receptor. Color was stable regardless of distance and regardless of intensity of light received by the photo cell.
		This is in keeping with the understanding of color as reflected waves of photons of light whereby the frequency of the photon of light determines the perceived non-color of the reflective surface which is dependent upon what frequencies of  the photons of light are absorbed by the material and which are reflected.
		It is then imperative to question whether or not the video-digital approach to replication of the ‘sight' or vision process is even applicable to it. It is not.
		In a video image the image is treated like a photo snap shot. That removes the continuous motion of the eye which would only serve to complicate a digital processing procedure. That neglect of the eye's motion results in stagnant images of which there are none in mental processing. It also results in the incorrect assumption made by theoreticians that snapshots may reside in the brain, that holographic images may reside in the brain, that lines may reside in the brain all of which is simply not true.
		The vision process, like all other input receptor types in the living organism is a flowing, blending procedure that lends smooth comprehension to the input's type. 

		Where input receptors in the vision process are VIR type the EVR type of input receptor in the ear acts differently. VIR receptors are externally motivated. In that they are active upon reception of the photon. EVR receptors are active at all times from internal motivation and are constantly evaluating input based upon the receptor's method of application of that input.
		In the hearing process the EVR receptor is connected to a small hair like device in the living organism that stimulates the EVR receptor to permit the release of free electrons. That hair like device will only be stimulated upon application to it of a wave of sound at a particular frequency. So the grouping of all reception devices constitutes acceptance of the frequency modulation and the individual reception devices act upon the application of amplitude modulation. The stronger the wave the more vibrations the receptor device will detect and the more value it will send to the EVR circuit for that receptor. 
		The receptor's assigned frequency and the collection of all of the receptor's assigned frequencies will determine the hearing ‘range' that organism will be able to accept. That hearing range will determine the output of the organism.
		That statement will bring disagreement as it is observed that animals with low voices must have such in order to strike fear in their prey or to establish dominance. An incorrect assumption based upon the observer's perception and not the unbiased application of the observance. A term I call Observational Illusion.
		In a natural environment an animal will be surrounded only by it's own kind. Which will tend to stabilize the animal's hearing range in the middle of the designed frequency range for it's hearing ability. When the animal is subjected to a continuous change in that hearing input range the focus of the concentrated hearing range will change to reflect the input intensity, Such change is not readily observed in normal observation of wild animals as the wild animal is in a natural environment (whether confined or free) with other's of it's own kind and if it is not (from birth) it will display a different vocal range. That different vocal range is relative not only to the animal but to the observer as well. So the observer will make a conclusion similar to the one deduced for skin color of humans.
		The skin color of humans is not the same from one human to another. But darker skin colors are connectively lumped into a category of darker and lighter ones are lumped into a category of lighter resulting in groups established that are not even realistic. The result is the observation of a dark person and a light person and various group shades in between that cause one group to ‘see' another in a different light. So to speak. Perhaps the most disturbing result of Observational Illusion.
		Another illusion of observation is the conclusion of the potential requirement for various input types in order to reach various output observations. In sound, it is perceived that there is volume, timbre, tone, frequency and either soft or harsh. It must therefore be deduced, as it has by many, that the brain has separate inputs for each. Since they are observed they must be that way going in. Not so.
		Just as in the vision process the hearing process is split into seven distinct outputs. It is the combination of those outputs (the same as outlined above for vision) that determines the characteristics of a particular sound with intensity of the wave (amplitude modulation) determining the intensity of the EVR receptor's signal and the frequency of the wave determining which receptor will accept the wave and vibrate in response to it.

		The discussion of the VIR vision receptor and the EVR hearing receptor brings to an end the use of the splitter circuit. All other sense inputs are direct computation without splitting and all result in direct outputs without multiple messages converged in the limbic system. The vision input control movement in a normal biological creature, but can also be controlled by the feedback loop of the limbic motion motivation from the pressure and temperature sensors. The hearing input controls movement and output of the speech or vocal ability of the biological creature. This can not be converted to a feed back loop as there is none. There is no feedback loop circuit from the vocal chords to the brain.
		The combination of vision and hearing sets up the brain's balance in primary input data and results in the inner voice, the dream process and the ‘thinking' process. Internal processing without the motion motivation of external output.

		The smelling ability of a biological creature is determined by the use of the EVR receptor. There are some dedicated to sweet, some to tart, some to salt and some to acid just as the taste sensors are. The placement of particles of foreign matter into the nose cavity causes those particles to interact with the receptor's hair like device. That hair like device is active in levels of intensity by the level of the intensity of the count of particles representing the particular assigned ‘flavor' of the input device. The device is always on and will always send value data to the EVR processing circuit which compares the input value to the established value (indicative of the assigned flavor maximum value) and will then send a result of that comparison for further processing in the brain. If the sensors circuit is damaged or if the input device is damaged or if the pathways are damaged the sense of smell will cease or diminish. There is no splitter circuit in the smell pathways so the send of smell will cease to function or be reduced in it's function ability.
		The taste process works in exactly the same manner as smell with the exception being that input frequency modulation is controlled by the presence of particles of a particular type of ‘flavor' while amplitude modulation is controlled by the count of those particles.

		The combination of smell and taste make up the balance of external inputted environmental protection. This balance results in the total ability to do both correctly when both are present and the reduced or eliminated ability to do either when one or the other are eliminated or reduced.

		This is where knowledge of the brain's processing protocol comes in conflict with the observed outcome of biological functions. Touch has been considered the fifth sense in relation to the above other four  senses but Touch is a combination result of two actual senses. Pressure and Temperature. More on Temperature later.
		Pressure is a continuous monitored input that is calibrated by the atmospheric pressure of the individual's habitation and geographical location. It is then adjusted by what we perceive to be Touch. It is also adjusted by the atmospheric pressure. The stored comparative value then becomes one of a norm and not a maximum as it is in the hearing receptor.
		When a human is moved from a normal pressure area and into a very low or very high pressure area the difference in brain calculations becomes apparent. The body is thrown off and attempts to react to the difference in the stability calibration. Such reaction can result in sweat, faster or slower heart rates, and many other observable differences to the human's physical condition, all of which are results of the brains' attempt to find normalcy in calibration and to correct imbalance from it's perception of incorrect normal values. 
		With pressure sensors being EVR receptors the standard or maximum stored value by which all inputs will be compared in the EVR circuit is established by the stability of atmospheric pressure.
		Now that we have the essential purpose of the sensors we have referred to as Touch sensors we can evaluate their individual further uses. 
		When a person places his or her fingers on a keyboard to strike keys in order to type a letter the pressure sensors at the end of the finger tips pick up the variation in excess pressure and transmit the result of the computation made in the EVR receptor  to the brain and it is observed that a ‘touch ‘ has been made relevant to the established comparative value made by normal atmospheric pressure.
		Touch can turn to pain when the amount in excess of the ‘norm' established calibration value exceeds the processing value of the comparative brain process (See The Neuron.) Values less than the established calibrated ‘norm' present the creature with a fine touch sensitive expectation.
		All of these values are of course relative to the established calibration ‘norm.'

		Another aspect of the Touch sense is Temperature. The combination of pressure and temperature make up the complete observed Touch sense. This is why low temperatures tend to damped the pressure effect and high temperatures tend to enhance the pressure effect. Temperature sensors are like pressure sensors in that they are EVR receptors with an environmentally established relative calibration ‘norm.'

		Within limits of the body's ability to function the touch sensation will adapt to the combination (balance) between the established relative calibration values for Pressure and Temperature.

		The final of the six senses of the living biological organism is Balance. Balance is achieved in direct correlation between vision and hearing, between taste and smell and between temperature and pressure. There is also a further balance between all three balanced senses results which results in our being "well" or "sick".
		The actual balance function of the body for equalibrium is accomplished by the comparative relationship between the two opposing sides of the head as measured by the balance center in the ear. The receptors for this function are also EVR type receptors and like taste, smell, pressure and temperature they are not further split by a splitter circuit.
		Direct computation of events occurs in the comparison of one side's relative position to the other. As long as such comparison resides within the range provided by the established calibrative ‘norm' for the combination of the two sensor groups a biological creature can walk sideways or be upside down or lean to one side or the other without losing balance.  But if the values presented in the comparative established calibration ‘norm' are exceeded the result will be and off balance feeling and such will then be attempted to be corrected by the body's opposing limbic system values resulting in the action to right the imbalance.
		There is a further balance effect when the comparative balance result of the two opposing balance sensors meet in the limbic system with signals being received from the vision pathways. Since both the ear's balance process and the vision's movement process merge in the same limbic processing circuit to provide relative movement control to the body such relative movement control will be thrown off by incorrect vision values or incorrect balance values. This is why an optical illusion can throw off balance and an imbalance can throw off vision abilities. The biological organism will attempt to correct both difficulties with the normal processing value procedure more out of a lack of correct values comparing to correct values from previous movements than out of a designed self protection procedure.

		Balance is a continuous, total system process that is not only individual to the equalibrium system of the biological creature but also to the individual and groupings of input sensors as well. One side of the equalibrium system compares to the other side and the result is an equalibrium physical balance.  
              Pressure and Temperature compare to result in what has been perceived to be Touch. Touch compares to Vision to result in the controlled output of the limbic systems motivation for muscle movements. Hearing compares with the equalibrium balance to result in the reactive motion ability in the limbic system motivation process. Taste and Smell compare to result in the balance of environmental input and along with Temperature and pressure establish the critical body's critical total environmental reference values which result in keeping all individual values equal and results in a ‘well' individual. Imbalance in any of these effects them all in one way or the other.
		Understanding the process of mental computation provides the ability to understand the biological creature in a completely different light. The right light.