(C)1995 Lee Kent Hempfling All Rights Reserved

One of the biggest difficulties associated with understanding this process is unlearning the old
process. Yes. Digital is the old process. For quite a few years the Japanese and partners in research conducted the 5th Generation Conference trying to find the next operating system past digital. It has now been found. But not in Japan. Which means the United States now is poised to take control of the information and computation industry for the 21st century but it will not be easy. 

The task at hand is not in acquiring 5th generation processing it is in getting all of those people who understand digital so well to admit that there is an alternative that is faster, cheaper to build and operate and more life like in procedures and outcomes. 

Getting past the barriers of accepted logic and knowledge is what this piece is designed to begin to accomplish. 


Being at a loss to understand is not unusual in fact it is natural for a person who is well versed in
particular reinforced techniques of study. Anything not of that venue would appear foreign as
(((Holds:Accepted Fact-Holds:New Info)/2)+ Holds: New Info)=Holds: Accepted Fact. Whereby
accepted fact contains great value and new info has not yet earned a reference value therefore
passing the accepted value on as justified by the virtue that new info has not yet been given reference. Nothing having to do with the actual value of either. It's the way the brain functions. The formula for it's processing. It is a quantum formula as it is applied serially to each and every input receptor on a minuscule basis resulting in the movement of particles the quantity of which determine the value of the message sent. These values are then observed functioning as a unit in the entire formula as a wave with the frequency of the wave established by a combination of the biological clock's assignment of syncronicity pattern placement and the three levels of computation each acting upon the other in an increasing frequency resulting in overlapping waves which blend to form the appearance of a single operating brain while actually being serial pathways functioning in massive parallelism. 

Binding is acquired in the overlapping and in the syncronicity as well as in the joint arrival of syncratic values being converted from the brain's operating function to the body's operating function in the limbic system. If you will: The input sensor accepts data /\ right side up in increments of twice a second per receptor. The data is converted to \/ upside down (which we see as being the way the brain 'sees'.) It is split into seven distinct values. Three of which are identicle and able to be borrowed from or attached to to replace damaged pathways, two are variable in opposite directions and two are stable never varying. That data is once again converted to /\ right side up as it is compared to long term memory in the 1st comparator at a speed some 30 times in higher frequency to the input receptor's. 

Wave length is indicated by frequency as 30:1 comparisons occur. The values are also then sent to the limbic system for instant response ability. The result is \/ upside down values which are sent to the second or mid term memory where it is compared to the third memory in a /\ right side up method at another 30:1 increase in frequency (resulting in short term memory lasting only 7 seconds but physically taking up the entire outer layer of the cortex) and the result of that is sent to the third memory in a \/ upside down value and also to the first memory in snips of the slower operating frequency and also to the motion motivation conversion limbic system where by it is converted finally to /\ right side up where it results in comparison to steady rest signals to the muscle groups (values
thereof controlled in feed back loops) and provides 'don't rest' signals to result in levels of movement we perceive as exertion. 

That is the formula as it is depicted in the description given. The formula is an exact duplicate of the brain's operating system. It's results function as both particles and as waves acting in parallel and in syncronicity from a single biological clock (located behind the forehead between and just above the eye line discovered in 1988 at Boston General Hospital, Boston, Mass.,) 

The formula depicts a process not a program. There is no digital computer that can function in that fashion as level one of the formula occurs in the same instant as the final result of level three. Each input receptor would require a single serial pathway of digital processing to result in non-realtime computations. 

I propose to build a prototype that will function with 8000 parallel processors. NO programming.
There is none in your head. The process is. It is determined by the physical make up of the brain in it's levels with it's fine tuned process of computation. Where does consciousness come in? The final computation. 

As the third memory is compared to the third memory in a total of 7 seconds of time. It is why
movement of a consistent nature will remain as movement to the Brain as the focus of attention is
directed to stationary objects until that short term memory is cleared of the inputted movement

The optical illusion. It is why people get confused at perceiving unnatural movement. It is, while
working in concert with the balance of the inner ear one of the most wonderful outcroppings of
nature. And not all that hard to understand. As the short term third memory is replaced like
passengers traveling from London to Dover on railway by moving from one car to the next as the
train remains still. At the end of the trip they disembark. To be constantly replaced by new
passengers in London. 

When the Alzheimer's conductor is running the show the train begins to send more and more
passengers from Dover to London until they choke out the London to Dover passengers and a
reversal takes place. In dreams it continues to function as it takes data from mid term memory and constantly compares and refines things that should with external reference be comparable to things of sense but without external reference compare to things we perceive as nonsense. 

It is why dreams are always first person even if that first person seems to be floating above a hospital bed or over a grave or in a cloud. It is the process of the brain that controls how we think and also controls why we have been unable to determine how we think. We see the process in everything we do. 

A horse walks across the street that is covered with molasses that tastes so good on bread which is made from wheat which is grown in Kansas which has nice flat ground which is good to build
baseball stadiums on as the game requires grand amounts of parking and spaces are hard to come by in cities which should really get a grip on their crime which amounts to killing of innocent people and therefore horses are responsible for the lack of grave sights in New York City. 

Laugh if you want to but that is a typical conversation between two people. One topic connects
(compares in some small way, it only has to make a comparison in one of five possible values in
order to bring up the entire time line referenced memory) to another which brings up a memory of
something which has nothing to do with the topic under discussion just because a value equaled
another and if not careful the original topic when brought back to top of mind awareness will be
compared to the resulting topic and nonsense will rule where sense is what took it there. It's the way the brain functions. 

The illusion of confusion connected with weights and textures is another example. Take a series of light weight items and hold them in your hand. Then pick up a heavy item of similar size. It will
appear at first to be heavier than it really is. Why is that? For seven seconds the brain's third memory is still comparing all inputs (even the new heavier item) with it's retained values. So comparing the weight of a bowling ball to that of a feather will result in the bowling ball seeming to exceed it's normal weight. In comparison to the other items it does indeed weigh more but that heightened expectation of weight is brought to mind by the differences. 

At a hotel you stop to set down the two identicle bags you carried in one heavier than the other. You walk forward turn around and pick up the bags with opposing hands. Something doesn't feel right. Of course. The bags are not the same ones you carried in opposing grasps so the weight differences are compared and an imbalance is suspected and things don't feel right. It's the normal process of the brain in action. 


I can build a machine to do the exact same thing. But getting people to understand that is another issue as the process of the brain works against what it considers totally new ideas. What it does not work against is the wonderful method that permits it to concoct replacements of a natural event with an artificial event as long as a given working and functional system is already in existence. An example is the digital computer. 

A simple switch is used in ever faster increases in speed to attempt to replace a single wave length of analog data. It takes a grand amount of them to attempt that so if greater mimic is desired a faster speed is required and all of a sudden it is no longer the small and insignificant switch the focus is on it's the speed. 

That is why there is ever so much more error than there is time for the trials. The issue no longer
becomes the error it becomes the trials. Focus changes from the intent to the method of acquiring it at the expense of the intent. Soon the intent, even though still the name given to the process of endeavor is forever lost as the process itself becomes the necessity to uphold not the acquiring of the intended goal. 

Such is the case with artificial intelligence. As the goal was to duplicate human intellect in a
mechanical system the process was a mechanical system that was not capable of doing that unless it used artificial means. The switch. As the process of attempting that duplication carried on the practice of it changed it's focus from acquiring intellect in an artificial system to adapting results from an ever increasing speed of switch functions. Focus changed. And now when the answer is provided to the original assertive goal it is not recognized as even remotely referenced to it's current search and is therefore ridiculed as out of step or ignorant or out and out ridiculous. 

It's not unexpected for this to happen. It is the natural method of the brain dictating to it's collective users the continued feeling that things happen and they do not happen for reasons they happen for non-reasons. If this was not the case man could have made much greater strides in understanding the physical universe and would have lost much less of his population to myth and belief systems based in another man's interpretation of existence and the rules he perceived as necessary to live within it. 

It is assumed by the distribution of this material that the reader is smart enough (the speed of second comparator function is fast enough) to grasp this entire issue. Now. Is that intellect reinforced strongly enough within your own mind to out way the reinforced illusions of process replacing focus? I hope so. 


Humans have a unique in the animal world concept of size. We impose it on everything we observe. It effects our every action. More is better. Less is not as good. The bigger the better. The smaller the more chance for something being the cause of smaller. The bigger the better it must be to use. The size and speed of an object or other creature dictates it's potential power and abilities. 

It is a shame this is the truth but it is. When nature will tell us otherwise. The pit viper is much more deadly than the lion, yet it is smaller and less noticeable. The virus is much more deadlier than the weapon as it is more efficient. Science has observed survival of the fittest and assumed fittest to be bigger, stronger, faster. When it is actually, more efficient. 

That does not contradict the theory of such survival just the assumption of size or speed being
anything other than results of actions and reactions not at all being a cause of survival necessity but being a result of it. 

In the brain the memory sizes are indicative of illusion at work. It is true the first memory is quite
large as it does accept the entire resulting input of experience in all senses. Not equally of intensity but all input is accepted and stored. 

The mid term memory is less in size but faster in speed so it takes up proportionally more space than would be anticipated. As does the third memory. It only lasts seven seconds but operating at a much greater multiple than the first memory speed it takes up a much greater portion of space than would be anticipated. The entire outer cortex. 


While all functions of the brain are overlapped in syncronicity through the biological clock's
frequency pattern assignments (binding) the observed outcomes together as they travel the brain's computational process pathways there is an illusion not understood that is quite plainly discernable after knowing the process and how it works. 

That of focus. Two differed senses. Vision and hearing. Vision focus is controlled by the eye's lenses and focal ability. All sensor inputs not in focus continue to make comparisons with those in focus as well as out and the ability to recognize from any angle (almost) is present. A person's face is easily recognizable but their name? 

The ear accepts sound equally across the spectrum of hearing with intensity being the primary focal point. The brain can and does with quite clearly acquired ability center in on a particular sound by giving it more intensity in the computations even though it may not be the most intense in input. You can pick out a voice you know in a crowd or a sound you recognize in a symphony or a point being made in an argument all based upon your previous input and how well such non-primary noise compares to your reinforced memory of sound. 

The eye can not do that. It is focused on input. The ear is focused on computation. It is why seeing is believing, It is why observation is the scientific method of acceptance as hearing can be interpreted and sight can only be seen. 

The digital process of computing is all focused. Either on or off. Focused in all aspects of input and therefore dependent on the computational process (the programming) to determine the values to give to a given set of criteria. That is the thinking process in action and in the digital machine it takes place in the mind of the programmer not the machine. The machine may carry out the instructions but they are not the machine's instructions. 

In the Neutronics Technology machine the machine makes the decision. There is no programming. Focus is the same as in life. Binding is the same as in life. There only difference is ...... there is no life in a machine. 

When the piece was originally written it was shorter and specifically directed to an individual in the form of a letter. In that letter it concluded: "You of all people, as a man of great respect in the
community of research and intellect I am convinced of........... that if YOU get it, Penrose will GET
IT. McCarthy will GET IT. Stapp will GET IT. Minsky will GET IT. Dennett will GET IT.  Calvin will GET IT..... Then it will be researched. Then the focus of the original assumption, the original ideal, the original intent of the research will have been brought back to the point and the point will be put into application and removed from self proliferating observational illusion.