Running a coordinated, planned, funded, national campaign of vote theft, corruption and organized crime cannot permit the DNC to continue to exist. Here is a…
Written quite a long time ago: Let's see here. What is it called when an outside force or entity calls the shots inside a representative…
This complaint has been filed with the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General on September 19, 2020 and is provided publicly here: September…
Until the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama race relations in this country were on the mend. They had been for years and years. On the…
The following is from THIS LINK. READ IT ALL IT SERIOUSLY MATTERS! Click the link to read the details. MASKS DO NOT DO ANYTHING !…
It was just last July (2019) that an appeals court set up a Supreme Court filing from The President’s lawyers that deals with what Twitter…
When a person hears the phrase ‘Tort Reform’; the first thing to come to mind is, ‘what the hell is a tort’!? A pastry? Well…
The issue is truth. Lawyers I have run into don’t understand that concept. So let’s explain it. This lets lawyers, who write the laws, lie…
Orders for Social Distancing and prohibitions of churches and businesses and leisure activities are being enforced by Police Officers WHO SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! Amendment…
Strange as it may seem today, Federalist Paper #47 was addressed to the People of the State of New York! The complete list of Executive…