Republicans, Conservatives and everyone not liberal-left are being led to the slaughter. DO NOT LINK LIBERALS ARTICLES!!!!!!!

The current mental state of the nation lends itself to what it is getting.

Republicans are besides themselves with amusement every time a democrat speaks. But it becomes obsessive when Democrats do or say things that are either or both a lie and or a straw-man.

Instead of identifying the problems with Democrat proposals and fight them for the public to hear both sides: Republicans are talking to each other, wondering how someone could be so stupid, so dumb, so ignorant, so lame, so unaware, so obnoxious, so rude, so crude, so crass. In other words: Democrats amaze Republicans.

While that is going on, Democrats are talking to the low information voter. Everything they say and do is intended to be pushed by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. The Press. Democrats used to own slaves and started the KKK; but now they also control the news.

    • You will not see social media postings from Democrats showing how stupid some Republican is.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats pointing to a Republican article and wondering at the dumbness.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats pointing out the ignorance of the Republican poster. They just attack like wolves.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats displayed so lame as to invoke laughter at how they are displayed. Democrats live in the visual.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats showing how unaware a Republican poster is.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats complaining about how obnoxious a Republican is. Republicans can’t be obnoxious and still be Republicans.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats complaining about how rude a Republican was to another Democrat. They just attack like wolves.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats pointing how out crude a Republican is in a posting. That would be showing the Republican when NOT showing the other side is how you control the narrative.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats complaining about the crass attitude and language used by Republicans.
    • You won’t see social media postings from Democrats doing anything but pushing the progressive agenda.

Meanwhile, republicans do all of the above in amazement that people could be that stupid to buy into the lies of progressisism.

And the result: All of those progressive left articles are pushed into the socialsphere and then into search engine rankings HIGHER because people have shared it, pushed it, pasted it, repeated it so much.

If Republicans are ever going to ELIMINATE PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY it is NOT going to be done the way it is currently happening.


Either that, or just continue letting Liberals pull you around by your nose ring.

Total disclaimer for this image. No idea where this came from. Fair use and all that.