America NEEDS a Cinco de Mayo Day of its own!

Never ones to pass on a potential celebration, especially where alcohol rules the day, Americans embraced a nearly completely ignored Mexican war battle commemoration with worms in bottles.

Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. The day, which falls on Tuesday, May 5 in 2020, is also known as Battle of Puebla Day. While it is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with large Mexican-American populations.”

There are no holidays celebrating a foreign government’s war battle victory over anything. In fact, there are not even any AMERICAN war battle holidays celebrating a military victory over anything. We do not celebrate battles. We celebrate VICTORIES in WARS.

But here, in a bid (one cannot blame them) for Mexican unity the event is celebrated as if it mattered. It doesn’t even matter in Mexico.

This country needs a reason to celebrate a victory for freedom. This country needs a holiday to commemorate the struggle patriots have made for THIS country. THIS COUNTRY NEEDS A NATIONAL TOPIC CHANCE! NOW!

Will there ever be such a thing?

FOX NEWS spends the moment asking Mexican heritage people what the celebration means to them.

“Fox News: What does Cinco de Mayo mean for you?

Aurvay: Although of Mexican heritage, I’ve lived my whole life in the United States. This holiday was a way for families living in areas where they were the only Mexican-Americans to share their culture and heritage.  It’s a fun celebration to look forward to, and a time to be festive with family and friends!

This holiday is considered a minor holiday in Mexico, while it is highly celebrated in America. The beer and spirit companies heighten the celebration of Cinco de Mayo in the U.S.— starting in the early ’80s, for promotional reasons.  But Cinco de Mayo represents bravery, community, determination and pride.”

Well here in America we NEED a celebration that means bravery, community, determination and pride. A celebration that focuses on AMERICAN freedoms. A celebration that focuses on AMERICAN stamina. A celebration that focuses on AMERICAN pride. A celebration that focuses on AMERICAN LIBERTY!

It has been a long fought battle THE TIME IS NOW RIPE.

Even the sick, pathetic traitors are wanting a special day they just don’t like the country.

“That the internal FBI documents that have generated this hubbub don’t provide anything close to an exoneration of Flynn is immaterial. This is another instance of a familiar pattern for Trump and his supporters: searching for a shred of new material on the Russia investigation, then insisting that this latest crumb is part of a trail that will eventually, somehow, lead to the vindication of Trump and his associates. What Trump once called “complete and total exoneration” is not just his framing of the result of Mueller’s investigation. It is also a prediction, the anticipated conclusion of coming revelations as the investigations into the Russia investigators continue.”

THE LAWFARE BLOG tries hard to cover up reality and lie. (It comes naturally.)

“You remember Mike Flynn—the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency who set a land-speed record for time between appointment as national security adviser and scandal-induced resignation.

Why the sudden interest in the Golden Oldies of the Trump scandals? The reason is the release of some documents from inside the FBI dealing with Flynn’s original interview by agents from the bureau, back from the period when the Trump administration was just coming into power. Flynn’s sentencing on his guilty plea for lying in that interview has been serially delayed. According to some commentators, the documents supposedly show that he was somehow set up, framed or entrapped. A lot of people seem to be expecting his sudden vindication.

They should take a deep breath.”

Americans could be celebrating the break up, the destruction and the END of the largest political cabal ever assembled.

If the Justice Department just managed to think ABOUT THE PEOPLE and not how LAZY government lawyers can be.