DownloadJOSEPH R. BIDEN’S PLAGERIZER SPEECHIFIER is free software with no warranty, copyright or other excuse. Written by Lee Kent Hempfling December 2020 out of sheer…
As more and more distance is placed between the opposing 'sides' of politics, and more and more desperate and dangerous things are said by candidates…
Written quite a long time ago: This was accepted for inclusion in a terrorist historical textbook but I never did see the result. Many people…
Ronald Reagan did: “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” When…
The following is from THIS LINK. READ IT ALL IT SERIOUSLY MATTERS! Click the link to read the details. MASKS DO NOT DO ANYTHING !…
It was just last July (2019) that an appeals court set up a Supreme Court filing from The President’s lawyers that deals with what Twitter…
Originally created to honor the lives of those lost defending this great nation in the American Civil War, Memorial Day has become a beacon TO…
The issue is truth. Lawyers I have run into don’t understand that concept. So let’s explain it. This lets lawyers, who write the laws, lie…
This is the post: This is like somebody just learned how to play chess. Is that on purpose, or is it an amateur first time…
Yes, this piece refers to a local county state court. Pinal County, Arizona to be exact: a court we have had extensive experience within. I…