Ronald Reagan did: “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” When…
Biden is NOT running for President of the Republic of the United States of America. Donald J. Trump is. Biden is running for President of…
The Declaration of Independence! Republicans read it like it was written. Democrats read it backwards. Don’t believe me? This county is NOT a democracy. It…
The following is from THIS LINK. READ IT ALL IT SERIOUSLY MATTERS! Click the link to read the details. MASKS DO NOT DO ANYTHING !…
When a person hears the phrase ‘Tort Reform’; the first thing to come to mind is, ‘what the hell is a tort’!? A pastry? Well…
Formerly titled “A WONDERFUL COURT SPONSORED LESSON ON THE RULE OF LAW (Post Office !!!)” this piece now includes the video: The 9th Circuit Court…
Originally created to honor the lives of those lost defending this great nation in the American Civil War, Memorial Day has become a beacon TO…
The issue is truth. Lawyers I have run into don’t understand that concept. So let’s explain it. This lets lawyers, who write the laws, lie…
There has been a mechanism hidden deep inside the United States Postal Service that took advantage of a software ‘bug’ or ‘glitch’ that allowed certain…