SUBMITTED FOR PROSECUTION TO: JOHN ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW…
Watch this piece as a video: WHAT GEORGE SOROS LEARNED FROM ADOLPH HITLER EVIL COMES FULL CIRCLE from Lee Hempfling on Vimeo. I recommend [1]…
Now, more than ever before in the history of this great nation returning to the roots of Patriotism is a requirement! Join your family and…
Orders for Social Distancing and prohibitions of churches and businesses and leisure activities are being enforced by Police Officers WHO SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! Amendment…
Strange as it may seem today, Federalist Paper #47 was addressed to the People of the State of New York! The complete list of Executive…
“Stanford, a Republican, did not give any reason for her resignation at the time.*“ Directly from the announcement: “FLORENCE — Amanda Stanford, clerk of the…
You are looking at a document published Dec 12, 2019. A monkey wrench is no longer necessary as we opted to head to the Supreme…
This FAQ was created way back on 10/30/1997 . I have not read it all again and it is probably outdated to the point of…
In 1996 it was not possible for a drug manufacturer to push their product to people who could not buy it. It takes prescriptions to…