It was just last July (2019) that an appeals court set up a Supreme Court filing from The President’s lawyers that deals with what Twitter…
Formerly titled “A WONDERFUL COURT SPONSORED LESSON ON THE RULE OF LAW (Post Office !!!)” this piece now includes the video: The 9th Circuit Court…
Originally created to honor the lives of those lost defending this great nation in the American Civil War, Memorial Day has become a beacon TO…
The American Bar Association wants Law Day 2020 to be Law Day 2020 The Law Day 2020 theme is “Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy:…
Strange as it may seem today, Federalist Paper #47 was addressed to the People of the State of New York! The complete list of Executive…
Freedom of thought requires two things. 1: No outside control. 2: Knowing how to think: not just remember. Before you embark on the second ‘Great…
It isn’t glamorous. It isn’t even ‘fun’. But it is necessary if you want to remain self-aware and in control of your own future. Plus…
Quite a few years ago, in response to a completely different ‘crisis’ I came up with a system to help my hosting business. Back then…
You are looking at a document published Dec 12, 2019. A monkey wrench is no longer necessary as we opted to head to the Supreme…